Bones- The Iron Pillars of our Body! | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

Bones- The Iron Pillars of our Body!

What will happen to a building whose iron pillars are not strong and robust? Definitely that building will collapse even with the attack of mild storms. The same is true for the human body with weak bones.

- Nearly four times as many men and three times as many women have low bone mass.

-          - By 2050, hip fracture arising due to low bone mass will increase by 240% in women and 310% in men.

-         -  Women above 45 are found spending more days in the hospital because of weak bones than many other diseases like diabetes, myocardial infarction, and breast cancer.

Between 10 and 25 years of age

Calcium Intake: Bones are the storehouse of calcium. … Therefore, one should take the recommended daily allowance of calcium; for an adult, it is 1,000 to 1,200 mg per day. One way of having this amount is:

1 cup of fat free milk+ I cup of low fat yogurt + I cup of 1% cottage cheese + 1 cup of broccoli + 6 ounces of orange juice= (approx) 1100 mg of calcium.

Magnesium intake: … The recommended daily allowance of magnesium intake for a woman is (approx.) 320 mg, while men need (approx.) 380 mg.

Here is a list of some food-items that will help to boost bone density:

-          Nuts and seeds: Almonds, flaxseeds and walnuts boost bone health as they are rich in calcium, Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids.

-          Fortified cereal: Fortified cereal s are available in the market and are rich in Vitamin A and D and also in minerals like calcium and phosphorous.

 50’S and beyond

The daily calcium intake for men over 50 remains the same as 1000 mg. However, many women over 50's go through menopause which leads to loss of more than 3% of their bone mass every year.

To understand more about bone-health at different stages of life in detail read the the complete article in September 2013 English Akhand Gyan monthly magazine.

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