Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) Melbourne, under the divine grace of His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji (Head and Founder of DJJS) organized a devotional concert “Ram Sumir Ke” on April 14th, 2024, at Essendon, Victoria, Australia. The event was organized exclusively for the medical fraternity of eastern Melbourne where renowned doctors from various specialized fields and different hospitals attended the event. The program commenced with a prayer at the lotus feet of Lord Ram, seeking his blessings. The essence of spirituality blossomed through a sequence of soul-stirring bhajans like "Ram Sumir Ke Rehem Kare Na," uplifting the spirits of attendees.
DJJS representatives, Swami Sajjananand Ji, and Dr. Sarveshwar Ji, aptly expressed that there is so much to learn from the life journey of Shri Ram. He is a perfect son, husband, brother, king, and father. Despite being a powerful warrior, he remained humble and culturally grounded. In his kingdom, people lived fearlessly, adhering to truth and kindness. While some argue that it is impossible to emulate Shri Ram's life in today's world or to re-establish Ram-Rajya. Still, it is crucial to understand that for any nation to evolve, spiritual development is equally important along with technological advancement. Ram Rajya epitomized peak development. In todays’ times, the biggest challenge is the unrestrained nature of the human mind, often steering individuals off course. Thus, controlling it and fostering a positive mindset is essential to overcome the societal challenges.
Swami Ji further elaborated in detail that as mentioned in scriptures, spirituality is the most effective tool to lighten mental stress and depression. Today, everyone needs to tap into the divine power inherent in every human being through the scientific technique of Divine Knowledge, i.e., Brahm Gyan. Scriptures affirm that only the perfect spiritual mentor of the time can impart this Divine Knowledge. Subsequently, continuous meditation on the inner Divine Light eradicates the evils of our minds, offering a time-tested method for a happy and peaceful life.
Attendees were visibly immersed in the divine atmosphere. They applauded DJJS for elucidating the essence of spirituality with references from scriptures in a simple yet compelling scientific-spiritual manner. Moreover, they appreciated how DJJS helped clarify the applicability of spiritual principles in contemporary times.