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Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) participated in the New Office Opening Ceremony for Joe McCracken- Member of the Victorian Legislative Council, Parliament of Victoria. The ceremony was organized on 22nd April 2024 in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.

DJJS was invited by Member of the Victorian Legislative Council for Office Opening Ceremony in Victoria, Australia

DJJS representatives Swami Sajjananand Ji and Dr. Sarveshwar Ji, who are devoted disciples of revered master His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, were highly honored in the event. Amongst all the present audience, they assertively revealed the supreme vision of achieving ‘World Peace’ by Spiritually Awakening each human being through the eternal technique of ‘Divine Knowledge.’

Many various other social and spiritual initiatives of DJJS were beautifully presented with their esteemed purposes of bringing heaven to Earth. They shared a few inspiring examples backing how the organization is working round the clock dedicatedly for the goal. They also distributed some literature such as monthly magazine- Akhand Gyan, The Gems of Spirituality, The Search of Truth, Divine Message, etc.

DJJS was invited by Member of the Victorian Legislative Council for Office Opening Ceremony in Victoria, Australia

Esteemed audience acknowledged and appreciated the continuous endeavors of DJJS. They understood the significance of each initiative and the effect of positive changes that are getting manifested in society on a larger scale. Some members selflessly volunteered to take part in the upcoming event and initiatives of the organization.

Many honored guests, hundreds of Senior Politicians, officials, administration officers, medical officers along with Samuel Groth (Shadow Minister of Youth, Tourism, Sports and Events, Parliament of Victoria), Beverly McArthur (Member of the Victorian Legislative Council, Western Victoria, Shadow Assistant Minister for Government Scrutiny, Shadow Parliament Secretory for Roads and Road Safety, Parliament of Victoria), Jason Templar (Inspector, Western Region, Ballarat, Victoria Police) and Dr. Sachin Dahiya (Medical Director, Lotus Family Clinic, Ballarat, Victoria, Ballarat Health Services) marked their valuable presence in the ceremony.

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