The scorching heat could never stand as a barrier for the thousands of devoted followers of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj ji, who reached the Nurmahal Ashram in time for the monthly event.

Exclusive Monthly Programme (Punjab, India) - June 2014

The beautifully designed stage reflected serenity with blue hues, and the yellow and ochre-robed disciples of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj ji exuberantly performed each melodious bhajan. The motivational songs with revolutionary lyrics and awakening music embarked the coming of the new era. The orators with their powerful speeches succeeded in inspiring the masses towards their contribution towards world peace – the vision set by His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj ji. The program concluded with a group prayer which was sung in unison and had stirred a heart-felt chord inside every attendee.

Yet the most incredible part of the event was to again witness the bountiful grace and divine presence of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj ji, without him every presentation, every song, every speech is incomplete.

Exclusive Monthly Programme (Punjab, India) - June 2014

It was a motivational dose for the yearning, a platform to affirm vows for the committed, a spiritual charisma for the devoted and the soul’s nourishment for a disciple.

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