National Science Centre is an institute where people can easily learn about science and it is very meaningful for the students to visit such place. Manthan SVK conducted an educational excursion to National Science centre for Badli centre on 10th February 2018. 65 students and 10 volunteers took part in the excursion and enjoyed the day with lot of information and quench their thirst of queries.

Excursion trip for Manthanites at the National Science Center, ITO, New Delhi

The students visited all the galleries and asked various questions related to Human Biology Gallery, Emerging Technologies Gallery, and The Hall of Nuclear Power etc. The centre was full of science, technology and universe filled with lots of information and activities.

Questions based on how to conserve, preserve and promote the science technology in the positive direction were asked by their teachers also. The students participated in the discussions enthusiastically and were very excited to be there.  Manthan SVK conducts such educational excursions for the students on the regular basis so that students can learn more about the existing universe and can develop a better place to live in.

Excursion trip for Manthanites at the National Science Center, ITO, New Delhi

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