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The pious land of India has witnessed the birth of multiple scientists and mathematicians who through their significant contribution in the fields of mathematics and technology have taken India to new heights on a global scale. One such great mathematician was “Srinivasa Ramanujan”. Keeping in mind the incomparable contribution made by him to the field, his birthday on 22nd December was declared as “National mathematics day”. Manthan-SVK organized a “National mathematics day program” at all its centres in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Bihar on 22nd December 2019 in which many interesting activities related to mathematics were organized. The aim was to develop a positive attitude towards learning mathematics among the children. Activities such as Abacus, making various creative drawings from 3D shapes to explain the initial shapes, identifying numbers, measuring and using balloons were organized. Through these activities, several attempts were made to make mathematics easier and to increase it’s significance among the students.

Manthan-SVK organized exciting activities on the eve of National mathematics day

The teachers also encouraged the students by describing the life of Srinivasa Ramanujan and about the significant contributions made by him in the field of mathematics so that the students take inspiration from the glorious past and progress further on the path of mental development.

Manthan-SVK organized exciting activities on the eve of National mathematics day

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