“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” has found more than a proverbial application in DJJS Kamdhenu program. It is not the fate of mother cow (indigenous cow) that has brought her to roads but it is the careless attitude and ignorance of her children that has fetched her, a fortune of eating garbage and polythene in her own home – India. It comes as a shame when countries like Brazil, Denmark, America and for that matter even Africa boast of having indigenous breeds of cows in great numbers. On the contrary, breeds of cows that we see in India today are no more pure and native rather products of indiscriminate cross breeding with any or many breeds that may even be of foreign origin. The urban man is happy with the comfortable service of milk agencies supplying milk in packets and the rural man is happy because of stupendous production of milk from hybrids or foreign breeds. But least is any of them aware of the repercussions the whole concept of abandoning our native indigenous breeds and endorsing foreign or hybrid breeds is causing on the nation as a whole.

Unfortunately, the one who is ignorant is the one at the receiving end. May it be in the form of fatal diseases like autism, schizophrenia, type 1 diabetes, cancer or heart attacks or in the form of loss of culture or loss of country’s economy… In the early 1950s, half of India’s GDP came from agriculture sector. At that time, agriculture was mainly centered around indigenous cows and bulls. Today due to use of chemicals in agriculture in place of cow dung and other waste, our lands are losing fertility and our soils are becoming poisonous. The story doesn’t end here, it has just started… But, who cares? We don’t care because we are ignorant. We don’t care because we are unaware that our agricultural practices have become self-annihilating. 

Against this darkness, Kamdhenu is lighting the candle of knowledge and bringing back wisdom of the Vedas, wisdom of the past for sustainable development of our societies pivoted around the culture of cow. Where people have been brain-washed and made to believe that Indian cow is less productive and an expensive affair, there stand Kamdhenu successfully breaking the walls of myths and misconceptions that have been knitted around mother cow (indigenous cow). Through its various advocacy workshops and field visits in the premises of Kamdhenu gaushalas at Punjab and New Delhi, along with knowledge dissemination through online social networking portals such as facebook and our own Kamdhenu gaushala website, Kamdhenu is rigorously generating awareness over benefits of indigenous cows, difference between indigenous and non-indigenous cows, difference between A1 and A2 milk, how cow is a central actor to sustainable development of a nation etc.

Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji says, “To save the nation, we have to save mother cow”. To realize the same, we are also extending this knowledge to the masses through exclusive Kamdhenu Exhibitions at krishi vigyan melas, different exhibits and institutes too.