आज्ञा चक्र की त्रिवेणी में भी करें संगम स्नान!

13 Jan to 16 Feb, 2025

Gangeshwar Bajrangdas Chauraha, Sector 9, Near Amitabh Pulliya, Govindpur, Prayagraj

Kumbh Mela Shahi Snan [Holy Bath] Dates

Kumbh Mela is the congregation of millions of people on the banks of sacred rivers in India, who gather from all around the globe without any formal invitation to participate in the stream of knowledge and spirituality


What is Kumbh?

Kumbh is a Sanskrit word for pitcher, sometimes called the Kalash. Mela means a gathering or a meet or simply a fair. The Kumbh celebration takes place every four years in India. It rotates at four places vis-à-vis Prayagraj, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nashik, based on the certain celestial alignments of the planets. In this way at one particular place, Kumbh happens after a long stretch of twelve consecutive years. Millions of devotees take a holy dip in the sacred rivers, believing that it cleanses their souls and leads to salvation. Also noteworthy is the fact mentioned in the holy scriptures that to every ritual we perform in the outer world, there exists a parallel in the inner world which is the origin of the replica we see in the outer world. With regards to Kumbh also, which is symbolic of the human body, the revered holy texts proclaim that true salvation is fetched only when one takes a dip into the nectar of spirituality within the human body, which becomes possible only through the regular practice of dhyana [meditation] Based on brahm gyan [the eternal science of god-realisation] By the grace of a perfect spiritual master of the present times.

इड़ा भागीरथी गंगा पिंगला यमुना नदी |
इड़ा पिंगलयोर्मध्ये सुषुम्ना च सरस्वती |
त्रिवेणी संगमो यत्र तीर्थराजः स उच्यते |
तासाँ तु संगमे स्नात्वा धन्यो याति पराँ गतिम्॥

[ योगिराज श्यामाचरण लाहिड़ी; ज्ञान संकलिनी तंत्र ]

मानव शरीर में व्याप्त तीन ऊर्जा नाड़ियों में से ईड़ा नाड़ी भागीरथी गंगा नदी , पिंगला नाड़ी यमुना नदी एवं ईड़ा व पिंगला के मध्य सुषुम्ना सरस्वती नदी की द्योतक हैं। इन तीनों नड़ियों का त्रिवेणी संगम स्थान (आज्ञा चक्र) ही तीर्थराज  कहा गया है। धन्य है वह जो आज्ञा चक्र के इस त्रिवेणी संगम (ज्ञान संगम) में स्नान कर परम गति को प्राप्त होता है

Within the Human Body, there is a confluence of three esoteric energy conduits vis-à-vis Ida (Left Channel), Pingala (Right Channel) and Sushumna (Central Channel) at the centre of forehead called Agya Chakra. Ida is symbolic of river Ganga; Pingala represents river Yamuna; and Sushumna signifies river Saraswati. So Agya Chakra (Third Eye) is believed to be the inner Triveni Confluence (Brahm Gyan Sangam) where, taking a dip fetches one true salvation.

Celebrate 5 Dimensional Mahakumbh’25 with DIVYA JYOTI JAGRATI SANSTHAN

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will happen daily from 7:30 to 11:00 am







































































DJJS Exculsives

About Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS)

Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan [DJJS] is a multi-faceted non-profit spiritual organisation, founded and headed by Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji. The organisation works for the total transformation of the fundamental unit of society i.e. 'human' through 'Spiritual Awakening' to actualise social change and cultural renaissance. Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji laid the foundation of DJJS in the 1980s in the terror-struck state of Punjab. After kindling the lamps of love, harmony and brotherhood in Punjab amidst the blazing fire of terrorism, in the year 1991, this mission was formally registered at the national level as Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan. Today, leveraging its extensive global network of centres and massive strength of selfless dedicated volunteers along with devoted Sanyasin preachers, the organisation is actively involved in a wide range of Spiritual, Cultural, and Social activities worldwide.

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Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji

Getting Human Birth is simple, but being a true Human is actually a challenge. Human is only the one whose Divine Energy flows upwards, and not downwards. And it is only by God-Realisation in the Inner World that one's Divine Energy can take an upward course. Therefore, Realise God within!

His Vision

From Self-Awakening to Global Peace

His Mission

To usher into a world wherein every individual becomes an embodiment of truth, fraternity and justice through the Eternal Science of Self Realisation ‘Brahm Gyan’, uprooting in its wake all evils and threats.

Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji

Founder and Head,

Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan

Guests Speaks

किसी भी राष्ट्र का निर्माण अचानक नहीं होता। राष्ट्र का निर्माण सामर्थ्यवान, चरित्रवान, संस्कारवान देशभक्त लोग करते हैं। ऐसे लोगों का निर्माण करने का काम दिव्य ज्योति जाग्रति संस्थान कर रहा है। ऐसे लोगों के बल पर ही भारत फिर विश्व गुरु के स्थान पर पहुंचेगा।

Professor G. C. Tripathi

Ex Vice Chancellor, BHU

जो भी ऐसी आलोचना कर रहे हैं कि कुंभ मेले में युवा कम आते हैं, तो मैं उनसे कहना चाहूँगा यहाँ आकर इस मंच के माध्यम से युवाओं का जोश देखें। और मुझे यह गर्व महसूस होता है और आनंद की अनुभूति होती है कि दिव्य कुंभ और भव्य कुंभ के साथ एक युवा कुंभ भी उभर कर आया है। तो यह सिर्फ आप आपकी वजह से हुआ है।

Sh. Vijay Kiran Anand, IAS

Kumbh Mela Officer, Prayagraj 2019

दिव्य ज्योति जाग्रति संस्थान के इस कार्यक्रम में बहुत ही अच्छा रामायण, गीता, भागवत आदि प्रवचन जो यहाँ सुनाए गए। ऐसा कुंभ उत्सव मैंने अपने जीवन में पहली बार देखा है।

Sh. Manohar Lal

Cabinet Minister, UP

I am really happy to see the beauty of the teachings and purity of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji’s energy. His subtle presence is undeniably felt throughout the venue.

Ms. Devi Mohan

Global President, ACT Foundation, Director - Himalayan School Of Traditional Yoga

Each activity in the Kumbh Peace-otsav gave a very crisp and concrete message, and they did it so beautifully and in a very, very interesting way.

Ms. Archana Chandra

HOD, Department of Commerce, SHUATS

I have learned today that nothing is in the outer world; everything that you can find is inside.

Prof. C.P. Singh

Director, BBS College of Engineering & Technology

गंगा को आध्यात्मिकता की नदी मानते हैं। यमुना यह प्रेम की नदी है। आज का जो SAM का कार्यक्रम है, ये भी आध्यात्मिकता और प्रेम का संगम है। और मैंने यहां पर त्रिवेणी की तीसरी नदी सरस्वती, जो अदृश्य है, मैंने आशुतोष महाराज जी के स्नेह और आशीर्वाद से उस सरस्वती की धारा को अनुभव किया।

Sh. Alok Kumar

President, Vishwa Hindu Parishad

Every time I would cross, I would feel this is one शिविर I want to visit, and it was like a calling. Today, out of the blue, I came here. It has been an extremely divine experience.

Reshma H. Singh

Social Activist

बहुत सारी चीजें हैं, जिसको हम कुंभ में हमेशा संस्कृति, अध्यात्म से जोड़कर देखते हैं। लेकिन युवाओं के perspective से नहीं जुड़ते, जो इस बार दिव्य ज्योति जाग्रति संस्थान ने कुंभ में करके दिखाया है।


Radio Jockey, 92.7 Big FM, Prayagraj


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Answers To All Your Queries

What is the importance of Kumbh Mela?

Kumbh, is symbolic of human body, the revered holy texts proclaim that the true salvation is fetched only when one takes a dip into the nectar of spirituality within the human body, which becomes possible only through regular practice of Dhyaan [meditation] based on BrahmGyan [the eternal science of god-realisation] by the grace of a perfect spiritual master of the present times.

What is unique about DJJS Pandal at Kumbh Mela? Is there any pass or entry fee?

The DJJS Pandal at Kumbh offers a diverse range of programs designed to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. There's something for everyone, including children, youth, professionals, and the elderly.Each day begins with Yoga and Yagya, followed by spiritual discourses on our Avatars (Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Maa Adi Shakti, Bhagwan Shiv, and more). In the evenings, there are programs for youth and corporate professionals, talks on the Bhagavad Gita, and Bhajan Sandhyas. Most importantly there is a unique session for BrahmGyan based Meditation which unfolds the new chapter in our livesFor more details, please refer to the Schedules & Sessions section.

What are the accommodation options?

DJJS offers three accommodation options 1. Ganga Cottage 2. Yamuna Cottage Kindly visit the following link for further details, facilities (including pick up and drop), and submit the booking request by filing the enquiry formhttps://www.djjs.org/kumbh/accommodation

What are the key rituals performed during Kumbh?

The biggest spiritual gathering on the planet has many key rituals with deep spiritual significance 1. Sacred Dip in Triveni2. Aarti & Yajnas3. Spiritual Discussions With Saints4. Deep Daan5. Kalpavas6. Visiting Temples7. Meditation, Bhakti & YogaKnow more about these in this blog - LINK

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Contact us at [email protected] or call us on +91-9810033111, 9910245461, 9313824001

Our Branches

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