A large black bee was flying around with a reverberating humming sound. It reached close to a lotus blossoming under the brilliance of the resplendent sun. The black bee became besotted and seated itself on the fragrant bud. With the sun beginning to set, the fascination of the black bee kept rising. [...]
Encountering sadness in one way or the other, every individual, today, has developed familiarity with it. Sometimes, we succeed in overcoming it, and sometimes, we get gripped in its tentacles. At certain times, it even haunts us, assuming the terrible form of serious depression[...]

Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS), with its mission of world peace, reaches another land to connect the people with Divine Knowledge. A spiritual session was held in Brussels, Belgium on 1st November, 2014.
The program was an endeavor by DJJS to reach out to people residing in different parts of the world to spread the message of Self – Realization (Knowing Thyself) through Brahm Gyan [...]

Saharanpur (UP) experienced spectacle of spirituality as DJJS (Saharanpur) organized the seven days (4th Nov – 10th Nov'14) Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Gyan Yagna. The programme started with grand Shobha[...]

A program titled 'Direct Perception of the Divine Light' was conducted at Ystradgynlais, Wales in association with the 'Temple of Light Church' on . As the title suggests, the locus of the event was [...]
On 20 Nov 2014, Dairy training Center (Phagwara) organized a training session for its 45 veterinary trainees. This training centre is directly administered by Punjab Dairy Development Board (Chandigarh)[...]
With thousands around, volunteers of Bodh the drug abuse eradication program of DJJS, including men, women, youth and the ones in their later life were seen raising their hands high in the sky in [...]
Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan, Plot-3, Pocket-OCF, Pitampura Extension, Delhi, India - 110034
www.djjs.org | Email: [email protected] |