“Let no Man in the World Live in Delusion, Spread the Message on Spiritual Enlightenment!!”
कहते हैं, प्रकृति हमारी सबसे बड़ी अध्यापिका है। यह अपने हर पक्ष से हमें अलग-अलग प्रेरणाएँ प्रसारित करती रहती है। हमारे योग-ऋषियों व योगाचार्यों ने भी जब दृष्टि घुमाकर प्रकृति के नजारों को देखा, तो उन्हें अनेकानेक योगासनों की प्रेरणा मिली। ऐसे ही कुछ योगासन निम्नांकित हैं-
Globally, Generation Z is the most diverse, ambitious, adventurous, adaptable liberal-minded and well educated generation of people mainly comprising of those born in between 1995-2015. At the same time the youngsters today are the most bewildered of all the generations as they lo…
Shrimad Bhagwat is Lord Krishna's supreme gift to acquaint us with the jewels of divine knowledge that we all strive to seek. The grandeur of Shri Krishna is that he has been the preeminent preacher of our eternal meta-physical philosophy. Our scriptures sanctify Shri K…
In the pursuit of the path of Truth and Divinity, a disciple mostly comes across lack of concentration in meditation amidst dwindling external thoughts. He/she may also experience fragmented will power due to absorption into material world despite his strong desire to dive deep in…
On 11 June 2019, DJJS Sanrakshan Nature Conservation troop organized its unique socio- cultural event Om Dhyaho…
Brisbane (Australia): Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan's Brisbane Center in Australia organized an…
Ahead of the International Yoga Day, under the auspicious blessings and guidance of H.H. Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, D…
Yoga is a holistic approach to life. It's not just a series of movements, but also a journey towards complete stillness!…