It is only when you prove yourself to be a productive asset at the time of interview, that you are hired by any firm or company. Right? But once you are recruited, what next? You strive to bring in your best as your performance is watched every day. At any point of time, if their efficiency decreases, there is a consequential increase in the risk of losing the job. The challenge doesn't end here! Even if they put in their best to achieve any target for the company, when the company's business hits a low, they are offered pink slips! For, they then tend to be a burden for the company. This panoramic description befits today's corporate culture.
Let's now take a look at the scenario in the world of spirituality that shines bright with the divine radiance of the Perfect Master. A Perfect Spiritual Mentor recruits the inquisitives, i.e. the aspirants of God, in his significant mission… but, on what basis? Contrary to the corporate world, He recruits us even when we are loaded with the feeling of being unproductive! When we are depressed from the life's hustle-bustle! If we give it a considerate thought, we will find that at such junctures, we are no worthy of His great vision and mission. But still, we get entry into His vast empire. Then, often it happens that we are sluggish in following the instructions of the Master. Even then, He doesn't show us the exit door from His mission! He doesn't give us a pink slip under any condition. However, it does raise a question on our contribution in His global mission. Not to miss upon the essential fact that unlike the corporate sector, wherein the goals and visions are confined to some boundaries; the mission of the Spiritual Master is supremely vast! His aim encapsulates the accomplishment of the toughest task in the world, i.e. to bring reformation in every individual in terms of his thoughts and actions!
There is one interesting contrast between a boss and the Spiritual Master. You put in the best of your strategies in executing the work assignments in office. Even the boss is well aware of your capabilities and secretly admires your zeal for taking up challenges and bringing them to a successful closure. However, it is often seen that the boss prevents your qualities from being showcased to his peers and senior management. Why? Because in that case, he feels insecure and is afraid that his position becomes weak when his juniors outperform him. In this likelihood, he tends to go for the juggling of the tasks handled by you, in order to give a misleading impression to his peers and senior management proving you to be worthless. At this juncture, he may do all the pin-pointing of even your slightest mistakes. He tries to leave no scope to make a hill out of a mole by exhibiting your one slight dip to the world and making you sound undeserving and unworthy to others for your role and designation in the company. All this ends up with you getting an annual review performance rating much below your expectations. Gradually, you get to know that you are not approached for any assignments. You then find yourself struggling in the list of people not desired by the organisation! Adding to your plight, seeing your rating and the past tag, even other folks in the company become reluctant in taking you for their assignments.
The attributes of the Spiritual Master are poles apart! He leaves no scope in bringing His disciples to the forefront and giving them the entire credit! To make His disciples excel, He bestows all His support, whenever and wherever needed. He grooms His disciples by involving them in multifarious projects and encourages them to cross through the life's troughs boldly!
This comparative synopsis presents the harsh reality before us! It is that this world prefers to adopt the mode of selfishness, which makes it very inhumane and insensitive; wherein human beings are treated like an object of use! As a result, the basic virtues like kindness, gentleness, care and concern go totally missing from the fabric of life. On the other hand, a Spiritual Master takes care of His disciples like a mother– selflessly, with utmost concern and kindness! Indeed, His caring and loving guidance has the power to fill the void created due to depravity in the world. He lifts our Soul from those unkind and immoral values.
I won't miss the opportunity to be the proud declarer of the truth that I am one of the fortunate souls out of millions, who has got such a Spiritual Master in the form of H.H. AshutoshMaharajJi! Would you not like to join the list of the fortunate ones?
Very nice very true very inspiring ! Thank you my Gurudev for such an unconditional love. Thank you so much for giving me everything even I dont deserve....and extremely sorry for not...obeying ur orders ( guru agyas) on time and such an extent that a true disciple have to do. I will try my best to do so. Once again thank you very much.