Search in Life for True Soulmate
When we meet someone in life who tend to present same set of ideals, thoughts, habits, behavior like…
When we meet someone in life who tend to present same set of ideals, thoughts, habits, behavior like…
Whenever we make investments in form of our money or time our endeavor is to always lookout for the …
Is God in one place or is He All-pervading? Is God Just as well as Merciful?
Lord Mahavira (an enlightened Spiritual Master of India) always used to keep that disciple near him.…
Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) was one of the most glorious spiritual thinkers of twentieth century. Wh…
Every soul is destined to be perfect, and every being, in the end, will attain that state. Whatever …
How to go inside ourselves and meet our Real Identity, the Divine Self? Well, this revelation is don…
You must have heard people declaring their strong association with a particular religion.
विविधताओं में एकता का प्रतीक है, हमारा भारतवर्ष। अनेक पर्वों व त्यौहारों के …
Lord Shiva has the power of burning Sins, Sanskaras and Vasanas and bestowing eternal bliss and ever…
ईश्वर को तत्त्वज्ञान से जानकर सही मायने में महाशिवरात्रि का पर्व मनाएँ। बा�…
श्री गुरु नानक देव जी युगान्तरकारी महापुरुष थे। उन्होंने अपने जीवनकाल में �…
On the Good Governance Day, READ this thought provoking BLOG - "राम राज्य साकार हो उठे" to understand the true spirit of Good Governance i.e awakening of the Ram-Co…
इस पर्व को सिर्फ पारिवारिक स्तर पर ही नहीं बल्कि जन-कल्याण हेतु कई राष्ट्रीय…
अवतारों और महापुरुषों द्वारा रचित तीर्थ हमें भीतरी परमानंद से जोड़ने के लिए �…
माँ दुर्गा के असली दर्शन व उनका वंदन न तो बाहरी जगत में और न ही कंप्यूटर स्क्र…
The old grannies and grandpas can often be heard saying that they have resigned everything to God's …
वह एक ही सत्ता है, जो सभी प्राणियों की अ…
You must have observed that when you are in a party or among unknown faces, you often keep folding a…
Once a plastic flower coated with fragrance and a small lump of cow dung with bad smell were on the …
कन्हैया की रसीली कूक हो और प्रेमपगे पंछी उड़कर न आएँ! असंभव! यमुना तट वाले मैद…
दो अक्षरों से बना यह छोटा-सा शब्द ‘मन’ �…
Unquestionably, each one of us is well familiar with the terms– motherhood, fatherhood, sister…
This is sadly the current scenario when it comes to the relationship between growing teenagers and p…
Ramakrishna Paramhansa often used to narrate a story. The incident relates to age-old times. On the …
As we read the works of seers and prophets, we can conclude that the fruits of the labour of divine …
Among all living creatures, the human garb is the rare gift granted by God. More difficult than acqu…
Man since birth makes an ardent effort to keep himself hale and hearty. On his journey, he goes an e…
Certainly, there is a divine brain working behind the entire creation, which we call God. Even the s…
Today Mr. Subrato also decided to attend the discourse. After all, A lecture on Vedanta was going on…
“God does not play dice”- this wisdom-filled statement by renowned scientist Albert Eins…
We all practise spirituality but in our own fashion and style, which we find as the most 'conven…
In this hi-tech world, we are either fully immersed in articulating machines (Smart phones, Computer…
As per scriptures, there are three fundamental worlds. One is a world of animate creatures that walk…
Since your birth is not an accident, rather you are born with a reason, God is also instrumental as …
Despite learning all the Shastras, Eknath could not experience inner peace. He wondered, “What…
बंधुओ, अवतारों और महापुरुषों द्वारा रचित तीर्थ हमें भीतरी परमानंद से जोड़ने �…
हौंसला और सकारात्मक सोच इंसान के भीतर तभी जन्म लेती है, जब उसका अंतस् प्रकाश�…
Most of us all through our lives have seen our elders or have ourselves bowed in front of their immo…
To play any musical instrument, an essential aspect is to tune it. In the absence of tuning, it is i…
Suppose Mr. X purchases a new car. Now, once he drives away with his car from the showroom, is it th…
गुरुदेव श्री आशुतोष महाराज जी अक्सर कहते हैं- ‘हमारे आर्ष-ग्रंथों में वर्णि�…
This human birth is like a bubble of water. You never know when it will get burst. Therefore, before…
‘यदि भारत को पुनर्जीवित करना है, तो अध्यात्म के विराट प्रकाश पुँज की ओर लौटन�…
Brahm Gyan based meditation is the essential procedure, the only divine asset through which psycho-i…
आज घोर कलिकाल में भी भारत अपने इस दायित्व से पीछे नहीं हटा है। श्री गुरु आशुत�…
सन् 1945 की एक शाम- शानदार दावत का आयोजन किया गया। इसमें उपस्थित थे, विश्व के प्रसिद्ध (भौतिक वैज्ञानिक और मैनहैटन प्र�…
Muhammad Ghaznavi invaded India 17 times and carried back to Ghazni, a huge chunk of our precious st…
The challenge thrown by the output of uranium on one side and the Upanishadic concept which tells us…
Alot has been said and written by modern philosophers, intellectuals, and prelates on the ways and m…
O beloved children of the Lord Divine! Time and again, you have come across the emphatically quoted …
India is the land of knowledge and wisdom. The Vedas and the Upanishads are the grandest heritage …
The burning question was raised many a millennia ago. The questioner was a seer of the Vedic times a…
In the previous blog, it was discussed that why and when a person takes to intoxicating drugs. Prima…
To begin with, I would like to congratulate UNODC and its volunteers for their campaign against drug…
If someone exclaims that entire universe resides inside your body, would the statement seep in you…
Q: I presently have a spiritual teacher whom I am very loyal to. What more DJJS (Divya Jyoti Jagriti…
Encountering sadness in one way or the other, every individual, today, has developed familiarity w…
You must have heard people declaring at the top of their voices: ‘We are Christians’ o…
What is the etymological meaning of the word ‘Dharma’? It is derived from the root ‘dhri’, which implies- to imbibe or assimilate something. ‘Dhaarnaad dharmam iti aahuhu’- That which is imbibed within our being is dharma. Saints have illustrated it by saying that…
There is a firmament within, in which the sun, the moon, and the stars are seen. meditation is a voy…
Each personality has his or her preference for living, eating, working, etc. meditation does not escape the idiosyncrasies of each individual. It is broken into various fragments and every person is inclined to one or the other. Often, we see that religion and meditation are bifurcated, and the othe…
In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, sage Yajnavalkya was asked by his pupils to explain the nature of B…
Reflecting upon the chaotic condition of the world in today’s nuclear age, the mind gets appal…
Q. Revered Master, Shrinivas Ramanujan was a great mathematician. But I have also heard that he was …