People who fondly take alcohol keep giving fake excuses and logics to justify themselves. Let's look at their logics and reasons from the lens of wisdom, and ascertain whether these people are really logical, intellectual, and rational or not!
Today, we find that drinking or serving alcohol to guests is becoming a symbol of social prestige. It is perceived as a sign of fashion. Bottles after bottles of alcohol are consumed in the celebrations of big capitalists and artists. In order to project an image of etiquettes and morals, some people play smart by reserving a corner in their social gatherings for this 'anti-social' practice to maintain social groups. By doing this, they try to prove themselves as sensible and also sociable people of the society. Ah! What a paradox! Is it being sensible or nonsensical?
How do you justify an anti-social practice for the sake of maintaining one's social status? Aren't these called double standards? As a matter of fact, there is no place for liquor or alcohol in any auspicious ideal of the society. A vivid example of this was set by Sushil Kumar, who won the silver medal in wrestling at the London Olympics. Along with showcasing his physical strength, Sushil also projected his discretion power by denying the offer of Rs. 50 million for an advertisement based on alcohol. He said he doesn't want to connect himself with alcohol, for it would negatively affect the society and send a wrong message to the youth.
Otherwise also, it is worth pondering that alcohol, which instils poison in our mind and heart, makes us incapable of even taking proper steps, hinders the path of moral principles, violates our modesty and social norms, leads to negative consequences like rapes, murders, etc., how could it be a symbol of social prestige? It is in fact the symbol of social, moral, and spiritual murder. Someone has aptly stated, "The first thing in the human personality that dissolves in alcohol is Dignity." Alcohol drinks the entire prestige and dignity of a person. In such a scenario, how can it bring social dignity and prestige? Surely, our history won't have the name of any ideal man who could set a mark in society on the basis of alcohol!
"I am not fond of drinking; I drink only to forget my anxieties..." We often come to hear this opinion from people. This logic carries a very strong emotional facet. It is seen most of the times that people upset with life get entrapped in the clutches of alcohol. They opine to be suffering from pains and sorrows, for which they take alcohol because it makes them stay away from tensions. However, they forget that consuming alcohol doesn't result into forgetfulness; instead, it is about getting entangled in the elusive labyrinth. Consuming alcohol in fact means inviting more sorrows in life; sorrows annexed with new misdeeds and an unpleasant entry in our karmic records!
Saints have always professed, "Forgetting sorrows is one thing, while annihilating sorrows from the root is something else altogether." The situation of a drunker is like that of a pigeon that closes its eyes on seeing the sharp nails of a cat. But, by closing its eyes, will the pigeon be saved from the deadly attack of the cat? Certainly not! Feeling relieved of our sorrows by drinking alcohol is similar to shutting our eyes like that pigeon. However, alcohol consumption cannot save us from the clutches of woes and anxieties.
Wisely speaking, sorrows and sadness will go from life when a proper method is explored with a balanced and poised mind. And, alcohol rather ruptures these traits of mental stability and control. A drunker doesn't have control on his mind. The power to think and understand gets weakened or paralysed. In such a situation, how would the mind be able to devise a method to get rid of pain and Sorrows? If seen at the scientific level also, there is no such chemical in alcohol that could make us feel happy or peaceful. Francis Scott said, "First you take a drink, then drink takes a drink, then the drink takes YOU." Means, first you take one peg, then that peg develops a craving for another peg; the second one calls for the third, and, then comes a time when these pegs take you from you." Pay attention, these pegs don't take your pains from you, but take you away from yourself! This act of self-reproach or devastation is the biggest pain that one inflicts upon oneself!
This logic is amply projected through advertisements. A famous alcohol brand has used this philosophy. It shows that alcohol brings relief from the whole day's exhaustion and provides impetus for the next day. Pulled by these enchanting philosophies and projections in the reel life, rickshaw pullers, labourers, workers, etc. easily fall in the trap of alcohol in their real life. In this delusion, they consume alcohol and instead depreciate their physical strength. Reason being, alcohol, in reality, weakens the natural stamina, strength, and perseverance of the muscles. It also negatively impacts the working capacity. The
Institute of Alcoholic Studies validates this fact regarding the negative effect of alcohol on the working capacity. This institute has exhaustively researched about the deformities resulting from alcohol. On that basis, it has concluded that alcohol leads to an increase in mishaps, death-rate, and leaves during working days. In a study conducted in Sweden, it was found that if workers in an office are made to drink one litre of alcohol (neat), then, it leads to a 13% increase in their sick leaves. These workers often get victimised by hangovers. Their concentration and productivity decreases. In addition, it also increases tiredness and the chances of making mistakes. A study on "Health and Safety Codes of Practice" carried out in England talked about the deleterious impact of alcohol. It was told that alcohol affects our capability in three ways
Firstly, the increased quantity of alcohol in our blood impedes safety and capability during work. Secondly, alcohol has a long lasting effect on the mind, which renders a person incapable of getting engaged in work. Thirdly, the addiction of alcohol makes a person the victim of various social, mental, and physical problems.
Studies also reveal that the connection of a drunkard's mind with his body gets lost due to alcohol consumption. That's why the signals of the body's tiredness are not able to reach the mind, and the drunker doesn't feel exhaustion. However, according to doctors, this has a serious impact on our nerves and muscles. This is the reason why a drunker feels fatigue and laxity after getting out of the intoxicated state. Now what would you say alcohol helps you get rid of tiredness or it brings double tiredness to you?
There is no dearth of people in the society who consume and make others consume alcohol in the name of medicine. Such people tend to attach the fundamental of 'patience for consuming alcohol. They, in fact, fulfil their selfish motives behind the cover of social welfare. The reality is there is no relation between patience and alcohol. The nature of alcohol is such that when it is consumed continuously in the same quantity, its effect lessens. A person doesn't feel satisfied without consuming it more. According to the former Prime Minister of Britain, Mr. Gladstone, "Alcohol deteriorates mental balance even when it is consumed less; reason being, it makes the nerve centres of the brain numb. Consequently, the mind is not able to discriminate between right and wrong, and patience gets diminished."
Someone has rightly written on this, "A person who takes the first sip of alcohol for health, he takes the second sip for peace, the third sip for impudence, and the fourth sip for madness."
Had alcohol carried any medicinal property, then, brandy and whisky would not have been removed from the List of Scientifically Approved Medicines in the Pharmacopeia of U.S.A in 1916. In the U.S., where the culture of alcohol largely prevails, there also in 1917, American Medical Associates passed a resolution in which they declared alcohol very harmful for the mankind. Earlier, brandy was used to increase the blood pressure. However, this use also got dismissed after its long-term negative effects were found. Therefore, alcohol doesn't have any positive effect on the human body.
People living in cold regions have made it a mantra that alcohol brings warmth. Let's explore the reality behind this logic. Alcohol gets immediately dissolved in the blood as and when it goes inside our body. This opens the arteries. Face becomes red. A person feels warm momentarily. However, this warmness is not good for the body. It actually moves out the natural warmness of the body. The capability of our body to tolerate cold gets severely impacted. Dr. Yvonne Bonomo of Melbourne's St. Vincent Hospital has also confirmed this fact. She tells that alcohol dispels the body's heat and does not produce it. On the basis of her research, she also mentions that alcohol inhibits one's resistance immunity] against common cold
As a matter of fact, travellers or scientists visiting the Polar Regions never carry alcohol with them because the possibility of death increases due to the effect of alcohol at such high altitudes
So, the above-mentioned facts, narratives, researches, and illustrations show that alcohol is not advantageous in any way. Truth cannot be hidden even if an enticing logic is presented. Poison is poison, after all! Its consumption cannot be held reasonable by any means. Undoubtedly, alcohol is the second name of destruction!
absolutely right