The Drug abuse eradication program - Bodh of DJJS was invited by Radisson Blu Marina on 30th September 2015 to spread awareness on the ill effects of drugs and substances abuse on one’s health and in the society at large.

Bodh was invited by Radisson Blu to spread awareness on 'Responsible Business Month'

During the ‘Responsible Business Month’ held last month, various activities were organized by Radisson Blue throughout the month to bring awareness amongst the masses on the issues affecting the society. The employees actively participated in the event and strolled depicting various issues holding pla cards within and around the area of the office premises.

Afterwards, bodh volunteers also drew the attention of people towards the other grave issue of consuming intoxicant substances like alcohol, tobacco etc, which obviously causes various health issues and mental disturbances in the longer run. They also discussed the demand and supply graph of economics that states about the directly proportional relationship between the two. If the demand side is subdued, the supply side will automatically be shewed and therefore helps in bridling the proliferation of illegal drug production and cultivation. Those who were taking their stroll in the park as well responded enthusiastically and expressed to raise voice against the production of drugs and alcoholic beverages.

Bodh was invited by Radisson Blu to spread awareness on 'Responsible Business Month'

After the skit, people were counseled individually on the significance of the knowledge of the self which awakens a person at the level of one's soul from all other lowly traits to be able to distinguish between the right and the wrong.

At the end, people also stepped ahead to take part in the signature campaign under Bodh for the abolition of drug abuse, its production and illegal drug trafficking. The program was arranged under the banner of Bodh Campaign, ongoing within the city of Delhi.

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