Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) under the divine grace of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji organized a Devotional Concert on Sep 1st, 2024, at Fazilka, Punjab. The theme of the event was ‘Bhaj Govindam’ aiming to drown the devotees into the divine ocean of Lord Krishna’s love. The program commenced with a prayer at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.

The orator of the event- Sadhvi Vaishnavi Bharti Ji, beautifully articulated the deep spiritual meaning behind the theme of ‘Bhaj Govindam.’ She clarified that we (all human beings) are incapable of understanding the depth of the Lord’s love. In fact, we cannot even love God until we trust him. And when can we trust God? Until we directly see God, perceive him and try to understand him within, unfortunately we will not be able to attain 100% faith and trust in God.
Sadhvi Ji shared that just like devotee Meera Bai had to surrender to Master Ravidas, warrior Arjun had to surrender at the feet of Lord Krishna, similarly, we all need to reach the abode of the Perfect Spiritual Master of today’s time who can bestow upon us the ‘Divine Knowledge’ – the ultimate eternal knowledge to realize God within. ‘Divine Knowledge’ is the process of seeing God, having the direct perception of him and the eternal way of establishing lifelong connection with the Lord.

DJJS representatives humbly shared that in today’s era, Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji is bestowing the very same eternal technique to millions across the World. After attaining ‘Divine Knowledge’ they are experiencing the divine treasure of mental peace, happiness, and ecstasy in their lives. They invited everyone to witness the Lord within through ‘Divine knowledge’ and ‘Bhaj Govindam’ in true sense.
The event comprises many religious and spiritual songs filled with devotion and profound lyrics engaging the audience throughout the program. Congregation applauded and extended heartfelt gratitude to DJJS.