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Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir (DJVM) virtually celebrated Sanskrit Diwas on 31st August. Ten of thousands of people from across the globe joined to celebrate the event virtually and through DJVM’s YouTube Channel.

Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir Celebrated Sanskrit Diwas 2023 on Global Scale

Honouring the ancient Bhartiya tradition, the event was jam packed with various interactive activities and presentations from DJVM’s students, Acharyas and DJJS Preachers, majorly delivered in Sanskrit. One of the peculiarities of the event was students and Vedic enthusiasts from India and abroad joined the event.

The event began with BrahmGyani Ved-Pathis from Chakan, Maharashtra presenting a musical rendition of ‘Shri Guru Ashtakam’, which was followed by interactive quizzes and games in Sanskrit. The participants showed great enthusiasm and a competitive streak was visible with the pace of answers pouring into the chat box and live comments on YouTube as well. A classical dance video mesmerised the viewers along with ‘Nanhe Ved-Pathis’ who flawlessly presented ‘Shiv Panchakshar Stotram’ and spread the positive vibrations to all. Sadhvi Bhakti Priya Bharti, Preacher DJJS London, addressed the viewers speaking about the impact learning Rudri Path has had in the western countries. She shared how it became a lifeline for many during the tumultuous times of Covid and lockdown, when everything was closed including the meditation centres. It was the power of these mantras that spread a positive vibrational energy in people’s homes giving them mental, emotional, and psychological strength to endure those unprecedented 2 years. The BrahmGyani Ved-Pathis from London, United Kingdom recited the Vedic mantras of Rudri Path allowing the viewers to experience a glimpse of the vibrational energy that is emanated with pure and selfless chanting of these mantras. This was followed by a presentation of a play titled ‘Punarmushako Bhava’ which was performed by children and that too entirely in Sanskrit! Sanskrit Achraya Dr. Vijay Kumar sharing his journey over the years with DJVM talked at great length about the endeavour of DJVM in uplifting the status and reviving the slowly depleting glory of Sanskrit. Impressed with the herculean task of igniting the zeal to learn Sanskrit at global level by DJVM, Chief Guests C. Upendra Rao, Professor, School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, Jawahar Nehru University, New Delhi and Dr. Devkinandan Sharma, Sanskrit Bharti, addressed the gathering and appreciated and felt their heartfelt salutations in the lotus feet of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj ji for reinstating the Vedic culture and Sanskrit language.

Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir Celebrated Sanskrit Diwas 2023 on Global Scale

DJVM’s efforts were highlighted further with ‘Nanhe Ved-Pathis’ convocation ceremony; young children learning Rudri has been made possible due to DJVM team’s approach to use up to date teaching pedagogical knowledge and specialised teaching material in a way that is accessible by young children. Certificates were presented marking the children’s dedication to learn the correct and pure chanting of Rudri Path.

Sadhvi Ritu Bharti, DJJS Bengaluru highlighted the impact DJVM’s had on South India. Sadhviji while presenting the glimpses of the visit of DJVM Representatives to South Jndia, explained how the various Mutts and highly-learned Sanskrit scholars could not hold themselves praising the monumental intiatives being run by DJVM across globe. Concluding the event, Sadhvi Deepa Bharti ji thanked the special guests present for the online event and encouraged everyone to continue to connect with our Bhartiya heritage and values.

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