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Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir (DJVM), is working under the aegis of His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji for restoring and revitalizing of the Vedic Culture by spreading the knowledge of Vedas and rejuvenating Sanskrit – mother of all languages. With this aim, DJVM through its several initiatives is bringing forth the sacred knowledge of Vedas for scholars, seekers, students, corporates and masses.

Exclusive Training of Teachers by Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir in association with DJJS

In its second phase, considering the ongoing situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, DJVM organized a Virtual Teacher’s Training Program for 10 Days at All India level on “Shukl Yajurvediya Rudrashtra-adhyayi” commonly known as RudriPath Mantra chanting. The Training Session was organized from 10th July to 20th July’2020. 30 teachers from All India were trained in accurate pronunciation of Vedic Mantras of Shukl-yajurveda.

Training program was designed with culmination of Learning sessions and online assignments. Starting from basic Sanskrit grammar, Shloka formation and recital rules including the Vedic Phonetics were deeply covered in the session. Recital of such powerful Vedic Mantras fills the reciter and the very atmosphere with positive and divine vibes. Considering the significance and impact of the Vedic recitals the teachers received the training with full enthusiasm and vowed to soothe the world through this ancient knowledge full of values and wisdom.

Exclusive Training of Teachers by Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir in association with DJJS

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