"According to the World Health Organization, half the world is lacking healthcare "
In order to hit upon the above stated truth, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan in synchronization with the WHO’s 2018 health day’s theme ‘Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere’ celebrated the 70th world health day at various cities across the nation. Under the theme in accordance to the extent of the organizations’ reach out to masses a very relatable and educative theme from our Vedic wisdom “सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:” was taken up to propagate the message of “Health for all”
According to it, the aim is to create a world where everyone should understand the very essence of the term ‘health’ which is to be at peace with our body, mind and soul without complete dependence on any physical, emotional and psychological materialistic support. More often than not, it is believed that one can be healthy only when one is given facilities but if we see the very formation of the body, it is in itself a self-automated biological machine to produce the required hormones, enzymes, and recuperative medicines. It has an incredible ability of self-healing if taken care and fed with the right food at the right time.
So, keeping in mind the same philosophy we have infused the two very important factors: being de- stressed and eating right in our events through tools like power point presentations, videos, activities, discussions and workshops. Along with it, various branches also conducted health camps of various kinds (Ayurveda, homeopathy, dental, acupressure, orthopaedic, de-addiction etc.) for increasing the life expectancy of effected people especially from deprived and less facilitated areas.
These events were designed and arranged under the two important initiatives of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan: Aarogya- the holistic health program and Bodh – the Drug Abuse Eradication Program so as to influence individuals to believe in the concept of comprehensive wellbeing.