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Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) organized a workshop- ‘Happiness infinite’ on March 19th, 2024, at Sunnybank, Queensland, Australia. The Brisbane branch of DJJS coordinated the event. The aim of the event was to unveil the supreme source of infinite happiness to the audience. DJJS representatives dug deep into the purpose and revealed numerous practical, result-oriented tips and strategies to stay happy at all phases of life.

Key to unlock infinite happiness- Workshop organized by DJJS at Queensland, Australia

Science of Divine-knowledge is a one stop solution for all our emotional and mental stress. Since March 2020, when Covid hit the World, people are still dealing with mental illness, dementia, intellectual disability, stress, anxiety which is withdrawing all human intellect, cognitive development, and capabilities. Whereas Spirituality infuses numerous hopes and possibilities. Divine-Knowledge provides a sense of purpose, better relationships, better self-esteem, empathy, improved resilience, inner strength, and the ultimate key to discovering the road of unending happiness. DJJS representatives proved it all by quoting incidents, examples, research and survey results in a rational and scientific manner.

Divine-Knowledge provides “Self-Awakening” which is only possible with the grace of the Perfect Spiritual Master. A Perfect Master bestows upon his disciple the ultimate technique, ‘Divine Knowledge’ which activates the third eye of a man and establish the eternal connection with the Lord within. This is the ultimate way to achieve self-realization, self- actualization, supreme peace, eternal bliss, and infinite happiness.

Key to unlock infinite happiness- Workshop organized by DJJS at Queensland, Australia

Regular meditation based on ‘Divine-Knowledge’ helps humans to build inner-strength, self-control, guided actions and empowered decision-making skills too.

The audience, including experienced professionals, young minds, were mentally rejuvenated. They felt inspired to find life’s purpose leading to the road of infinite happiness.

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