You're never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream- C.S.Lewis For human beings to stay relevant and to live a mindful life, dreams play an important role.
Dreams pave the way to reach a destination. Dreams which are built out of imaginations help an individual shape his/her life and career around it. A dream to become something, to reach somewhere in life, to achieve something fills the mind, heart and soul with courage, determination and love to lead life. Human beings have evolved over the years and have reached this era, have managed to build all that we see today whether it's tangible or intangible because he dreamt of it. There is no age limit on dreams, a person at any age, could dream and set goals for him.

Manthan SVK organised a virtual grooming workshop for the teachers and volunteers

To share more on this,in a series of organising grooming workshop for the teachers and volunteers, Manthan Sampoorn Vikas Kendra conducted another virtual meet on 27 February 2021. The chief speaker of the session was Major General Vikram Dev Dogra, who has had an illustrious career in the Indian army. But in 2018 at the age of 58, he became the only serving Indian army officer and only general in the world to have finished the prestigious and challenging "The Ironman Triathlon" in Austria. He said it's not enough to just dream but to dream BIG, big enough to be laughed upon by people around us. Dreaming for achieving extraordinaire, also give us that extraordinary strength and courage which has always been there in us but in latent form. He quoted Dr. Abdul Kalam "that dreams are not what you see in your sleep, dreams are those that don't let you sleep". He shared his journey, of difficult and exhaustive training schedules, his share of self-doubt moments and the subsequent self-boosting and determined thoughts, what all it took to compete in the triathlon and complete it with a remarkable finish time.

General Dogra, laid down a number of characteristics which help an individual plan for his goals better and push them very close to fulfillment. Such as, self-confidence, perseverance, patience, calm and composed nature like a stream of water etc. He also shared, five simple steps to follow, that help fulfill any dream- like to create a mental picture of the dream, followed by breaking it into smaller goals that would suggest how it needs to be approached and in how much time, to always surround ourselves with positive spirited, focussed group of people, to follow 21day rule to habituate any trait and last but most important to be prepared to fail. All these help one to stay away from procastination and negative competition and to achieve any goal or to fulfill any dream if, it is approached with correct attitude, training, time-management,
self-discipline, belief. He said most important of all is to love ourselves, respect our dreams and have immense faith and belief in God, for he has made us visualise it and he would give the required skills to fulfill them also.

Manthan SVK organised a virtual grooming workshop for the teachers and volunteers

Sadhvi Deepa Bharti Ji, Program Coordinator of Manthan SVK, DJJS gave thanking remarks in the concluding session. She highlighted a key point, that if we align our personal goals and dreams with a bigger and noble cause would make the achievements more valuable. Teachers and Volunteers of Manthan SVK appreciated the motivating session and attended the same with full zeal and vigour.

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