We move around physically with plastic smiles, mentally stressed, emotionally drained, and all because we are dead- Spiritually! That’s why the enlightened sages enunciated; ‘O supreme creation of The Lord; Change your life’s status. Wake up! And, see God. The goal of human life is not to drown into the materialistic desire, but to acquire that wisdom which can make us cross the loop of birth and death, which leads our convergence into God-Our Origin. This should be the prime goal of our life.

Monthly Spiritual Congregation: The Journey of Self Realization - From 'myself' to 'thyself'

To serve the purpose of life, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan- a socio-spiritual organization, headed and founded by His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, organized the monthly congregation at Chakan, Jaipur, Patna, Aligarh, Jodhpur, Latur, Saharanpur, Pitthoragarh, Ambala and Rudrapur. DJJS by arranging such types of congregations is simply disseminating the mankind with the divine vision, through which man can truly understand himself and know god. Thus, the globe can unite and put an end to its thirst for incessant greediness.

With the various fruitful sessions, one can easily understand the fact that, this materialistic world just pretends to be with us. But the one who truly remains with us is ‘Our life’s charioteer’. The only one who is working on us to carve our inner self, without even letting us know! And, to know the unrevealed mystery of The Lord, all you need is to receive the same practical knowledge which was bestowed upon Arjuna by Shri Krishna. The practical realizations of ‘thyself’ which relieved Arjuna, from the entanglements of fear, confusion and helped him choose the right path in his life.

Monthly Spiritual Congregation: The Journey of Self Realization - From 'myself' to 'thyself'

Dear readers, this human birth is like a bubble of water. You never know when it will burst. Before, it becomes too late and opportunity to see god flies away, run to the perfect spiritual master, who will give you the ladder to serve the actual purpose of human life by making you realize your real ‘I’.


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