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Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) under the divine grace of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji organized seven days of Shri Ram Katha at Ram Leela Ground, DDA Park, Sector -24, Rohini, New Delhi, from 9th - 15th Nov 2024. The objective of the Katha was to reveal the eternal science of ‘Brahm Gyan’- which alone is the method to see Lord Ram within. A grand auspicious Kalash Yatra took place after worshipping Lord Ram on 9th November. In this rally, many married women and representatives of the organization actively participated in sharing the divine message of the truth. During the time of the rally, they invited all the neighbouring families residing near the event’s venue to attend the event.

Shri Ram Katha highlighted the Eternal Divine Technique to directly perceive Lord Ram at Rohini, New Delhi

The orator of the event- Sadhvi Deepika Bharti Ji (disciple of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji) emphasized the need to realize Lord Ram within. Taking the spiritual concepts from the renowned scripture ‘Shri Ramcharitmanas,’ Sadhvi Ji clarified that to be a true devotee of Lord Ram, one must first see Lord Ram. Without seeing the Lord, no one has ever attained the stage of true devotion and never could. After attaining the stage of true devotion alone, one could have 100% faith. Quoting the instances of Bhakti Mata Shabri and devotee Hanuman, Sadhvi Ji expressed that they could attain the happiness and blessings of Lord Ram, because of their selfless service and pure devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Ram. With the grace of a Perfect Master alone, a disciple can attain the divine technique- ‘Divine Knowledge,’ which can make us see the Lord within our soul and awaken the very source of devotion within us.

Sadhvi Ji shared that by merely chanting the name and reading scriptures, we will not be able to grasp their meaning in the true sense. We must search for a Perfect Master first to embark on the journey of spirituality. In today’s times, Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji is disseminating Brahm Gyan (Divine Knowledge) to humankind. Millions of devotees have experienced divine changes within themselves by practicing meditation based on this very technique. It is not that God is not visible; it is that we could not make the effort to find the Perfect Master, which is required. That is why we failed to attain the company of a Perfect Master who can bestow this divine knowledge to eventually make us see God.

Shri Ram Katha highlighted the Eternal Divine Technique to directly perceive Lord Ram at Rohini, New Delhi

The Katha was dedicated to the DJJS’s social initiative- Kamdhenu (Indian Cow Breed Improvement & Conservation Program) focusing on re-establishing the value of the Indian Cow as a pivot of any ideal sustainable society. The audience could witness the blissful vibes along with insightful spiritual discourse and a series of devotional songs. The event was successfully covered by various media channels such as Action India, Veer Arjun, Dainik Bhaskar, Bharat Darshan, etc. People also showed their keen interest to know more about ‘Divine Knowledge’ and eagerness to join the different initiatives of the organization. Many esteemed guests marked their valuable presence in the grand event and applauded the sincere and selfless efforts of DJJS.


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