Under the divine guidance of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) organized a five-day Shri Ram Katha event in Bikaner, Rajasthan from 25th to 31st December 2024.

The orator of the event, Katha Vyas Sadhvi Tripada Bharti Ji said that often due to ignorance people fail to understand the personality of Lord Ram. To comprehend the personality of Lord Ram a spiritual perspective is essential. When through the grace of true Guru our divine vision is awakened, we perceive the essence of Lord Ram within ourselves., that is the light of His presence.
Our scriptures say that without knowing God, without experiencing Him, one cannot have faith in Him; and for this reason, true love for Him is also not possible. Therefore, the foremost necessity is to perceive God within the inner self through Brahm Gyan.

Sadhvi Ji explained that the purpose of Lord Ram’s incarnation on this earth was to connect His devotees with eternal devotion to God. Lord Ram imparted this very Brahm Gyan to people.
The events narrated in Shri Ram Katha motivate us to recognize the supreme within through the eternal technique of Brahm Gyan. Brahm Gyan is attained by the grace of perfect Guru of the time who can make this realization possible. As per the Vedas, to attain Brahm Gyan, a disciple must pray at the Guru's lotus feet, get clarification for all questions they may have, and selflessly serve their Guru. Lord Ram too followed this process before His spiritual Guru, Shri Vashistha Ji, blessed Him with Brahm Gyan.
Sadhvi Ji said in the current era, we are blessed to have the presence of revered Gurudev His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji imparting 'Divine Knowledge' to the masses and is steadfast in His commitment to fostering global peace.
Some special guests who attended the program had all praise for the Shri Ram Katha. They also requested DJJS representatives to organize such programs in future and expressed their desire to participate in them.