Sadhvi Vaishnavi Bharti Ji and the musical team delivered entrancing Bhagwat Katha to the city of Jodhpur from 30th Mar to 07th April, 2016. Innumerable people took advantage from the Katha and felt spiritually invigorated. Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan organized the Katha with the sole purpose of benefiting the society and providing them with the insight into the real prominence of Shrimad Bhagwad Katha.
The Katha inaugurated with a procession, followed by vedic chanting, along with the holy fire oblation ceremony, pooja, and musical notes. All such initiatives before the oration of Katha are a spiritual calling that not only bring the wandering minds back but also the scattered energies into the Godly. During the Katha the traditional ceremony of lighting the sacred flame by the chief guests was also performed.
The eminent and notable guests who graced the Katha included H.H. Maharaja Gaj Singh Ji Sahib of Jodhpur, Maharaj Dilip Singh Ji of Loni, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat (Sansad-Jodhpur), Ghansyam Ojha (Mahapor-Jodhpur), Kailash Bhansali (MLA –Jodhpur), Devendra Joshi ( BJP-Adhyaksh).
Sadhvi Vaishnavi Bharti Ji, disciple of His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji enlightened the listeners with the divine plays of Lord Krishna. She unfolded the scientific and the lucid acts that are usually left unrecognized. She explained specific quotes from Bhagwad Gita citing the adhyayas (chapters) of the scripture.
Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhavati Bharata Abhyuthanam Adharmasya, Tdathmanam Srijaami Aham
She emphasized that the sole purpose of Lord Krishna to take avatar on the earth was to reunite mankind and rid it of all evils as He promised He would in Gita to Arjuna. All His acts served one goal- the goal of establishing peace and equanimity.
Sadhvi Ji further explained that Lord Krishna’s words cannot be false if He has promised this in the Gita, He certainly incarnates time and time again. She stated that the utterances of Lord’s holy mouth are everything but deceptive. She quoted numerous other scriptures and literary works such as the Holy Bible, Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Puranas that reinstate the same statement. The need, today, is to find a ‘Lord Krishna’ that is fulfilling His promise of ridding the evils.
Furthermore she explained the recognition of the avatar of the time. Sadhvi Ji explained that the sole identification is based on practical experience of God. Lord Krishna enabled the people of the time to experience the Supreme within and stay connected thereafter. She spoke of the ancient technique, Brahm Gyan, which enables one to reconnect with the supreme. It is the same technique Lord imparted Arjuna with in the battlefield with which he wasn’t just able to perform his worldly duties but also stay in union with the higher being – paramatama.