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Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) organized a spiritual event at Navnat Centre, Hayes, London, United Kingdom on 6th November, 2022. The event commenced with the lamp lightening ceremony. Various cultural dance performances by the volunteers of DJJS drew special attention of the audience towards the rich cultural heritage of India. A play was also presented on the inspiring spiritual life of devotee mata Shabri from the Indian scripture Ramayana, which was a beautiful presentation of her firm faith and unwavering determination on her Guru's words. Eternal devotion and faith in Guru’s words helped mata Shabri to await the arrival of Lord Ram for so long.

Spiritual Event organized in London, U.K Inspired Devotees to Connect with Indian Culture

The representative of DJJS, Sadhvi Bhakti Priya Bharti Ji (Disciple of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji) enlightened the audience about the rich cultural and spiritual heritage India possess. She stated that India’s rich cultural heritage is unmatched in the world. India is probably the only country in the world that strongly believes in the concept of ‘Unity in diversity’ and ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - The World Is One Family’.

She further stated that India is referred to as a storehouse of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, in the entire world. Rather, spirituality is the soul of India, and many tired souls come to India to find peace and eternal happiness. One of the important parts of spirituality is to find the purpose of our lives. Ancient Indian texts such as the Vedas and the Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita not only teach us morality and values, but also awaken us to the realm of spirituality. 

Spiritual Event organized in London, U.K Inspired Devotees to Connect with Indian Culture

As per the scriptures of India, one must thrive hard to find a true spiritual mentor (a Guru) who can bestow upon him the great science of Brahm Gyan (Spiritual Knowledge), which according to scriptures is only way to achieve the Lord Almighty – the everlasting source of joy and peace. DJJS is taking the same baton forward with the grace of our Gurudev Ashutosh Maharaj Ji.

Many special guests also marked their presence at the event, to name a few - Mr. John McDonald - Member of Parliament (Labour Party), Mr. Trupti Patel – President (Hindu Forum Britain), Ms. Bandhana Chopra – Councilor (London Borough of Hounslow) and Swami Surya - UK Coordinator (Brahm Rishi Mission UK).

The event successfully disseminated the seeds of India’s cultural and spiritual heritage to the people of UK.  We strongly believe that this great country of ours 'India' is the epicenter of spirituality for the entire world and will continue to remain so in future also.


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