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From the time the Human Civilization came into existence, India had played an important role in shaping the society through her knowledge and various educational methodologies. With these objectives and principles, Indian Culture has always guided the entire world. But with time, the level and agenda behind education started declining, neither did the education remain based on Indian core Culture & Values nor did it serve any national purpose. Therefore, it is the dire need to revamp the current educational system of our nation. After understanding the current scenario, the Government Of India has taken an important step in the field of Education by implementing “National Education Policy (NEP) 2020”. The policy stressed upon the accessibility, equality in & quality of Education. The People and institutions of the Nation play an important role in strengthening any policy. With this approach, Manthan SVK took an initiative and organized a Teachers’ Training Workshop on Saturday, 28th November 2020 on the theme “National Education Policy (NEP) 2020” for all its dedicated Teachers & Volunteers. 

Webinar on National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 Organised by Manthan SVK, DJJS

Adv. Shashank Shekhar (Advocate of the Supreme Court of India, a former member of the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Director of Jus Naturae Law Offices Pvt. Ltd. and founder of CRACR & PD) was present as the chief guest and speaker of the session. He guided the teachers by making them understand the importance of the very role of teachers in Education & in making this policy a success. He also put forward some key points of the new education policy such as removing linguistic constraints and encouraging creative thinking, logical decision and sense of innovation in the students. He also talked about how Technological advancements shall be encouraged to facilitate education for differently-abled students. To make higher education accessible to the common man, it has been suggested to establish a higher education institution in every district or vicinity. Many types of literary, cultural groups and special clubs will be formed to develop communication and creative thinking skills among students. Emphasis has been laid on adopting the mother tongue as a medium of teaching in education up to class-5. The main reform will be seen in the 6th – 8th Classes, the prime focus will be given to the interest of the students. Course and Study material for hearing-impaired students will be developed at the national and state level and the Indian sign language will be standardized throughout the country. This policy also includes reforms related to the current education system. It will boost the concept of Anganwaadi centres and help the students for their holistic development. Psychological counsellors will be appointed in every school to help students choose and realize their interest areas that can help them to choose the right direction for their career.

The session provided deep insights on the policy and methodologies that will be used to raise the current standard of education in our country. Manthan SVK teachers and volunteers expressed their heartfelt gratitude to him for this important guidance and invaluable time.

Webinar on National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 Organised by Manthan SVK, DJJS

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