Don’t Restrict but Remove R Rated Movies | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

Don’t Restrict but Remove R Rated Movies

It is undeniable that the media casts an influence on the minds of everyone. However, influence on the minds of children is much greater. For, the young nurturing minds are still not mature to discriminate and do not have a clear understanding, but, most importantly, are in the process of potentially shaping their later life. Contextually, in general, modern-day movies, especially R-rated movies (restricted for children below 18 years) are not very healthy to indulge into, due to their violent or sexually explicit content (rape, murder, terrorism, savage beatings/beheadings, torture, etc.), abusive language used, or the horror sensationalism in the cases of horror movies. The context assumes greater importance when R-rated movies seem to be increasingly finding their way among children and teenagers (especially those aged < 14-15 years) and the impression they are creating in these yet not so mature minds. It’s basically today’s technological advancing age of the Internet and cable television, which offers an easy access of these movies to children, and renders even the laws enforced in theatres practically useless. This amplifies the problem for our shaping future generation…

…The fact that the media has an excessive influence on children’s mind can be gauged by the fact that with increasing regularity, we hear news of someone, somewhere doing something weird and wacky that he or she saw on television or movie and trying to emulate it. There are numerous examples of children/adolescents trying and incorporating stunt and violent aggression depicted in the media. …

What another adverse effects we are seeing in the today’s youth due to their viewing choices? And, what can be an effective tool to resist them watching these r-rated movies? To know this and further more, read the complete article in June edition of English Akhand Gyan monthly magazine.

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