How to Break the Hate-Circuit? | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

How to Break the Hate-Circuit?

A cruise liner was on its voyage from London to New York. In the middle of the sea, all of a sudden, the dark clouds of misfortune engulfed it. The engines failed and the cruise suffered from severe jolts. Consequently, it began to sink in the deep sea. By the time it was known that there were not enough lifeboats to save everyone on the ship, it was too late. With no other way to screen as to who should get the place on the lifeboats, it was decided to cast lots. Soon, all the lifeboats were occupied, leaving a handful of unfortunate ones to meet the sad fate. Among the left ones, there was a business tycoon. He went to each passenger on the lifeboat with a blank cheque in his hand, saying– “I offer you this blank cheque bearing my signature. My hard-earned fortune will be all yours! Just swap your place on the lifeboat with mine!”

Do you think he could find any taker to his grand and lucrative offer? Certainly not! Instead, people looked at him with wide eyes and remarked, “Hey! …You keep your cheque; we cannot bargain our precious lives with any offer in the world!”

It's true that we hold our lives very dear to ourselves. But, do we also hold dear those traits which actually make us alive in the true sense? …

To Know this and furthermore, read the complete article in Dec’20 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.

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