Inspiring Youngsters! | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

Inspiring Youngsters!

Youngsters are often in the news these days... why? Unfortunately, mostly for the wrong reasons! That's why all statistics pertaining to their character, persona, skill-set, contribution, etc. are day by day seeing a steep downfall. It's high time that youngsters are told as to what powers they have inherent in themselves and what great things they can do in their life. For this, let's get acquainted with some beautiful excerpts, which highlight the glorious side of the youth of the past. Certainly, the youth today needs to revive his esteemed image after imbibing inspirations latent in these references.

Sightless Youth Brightening The Way For Other Blinds

Louis Braille was doomed into sightlessness in an accident, when he was just 3 years old. Actually, Louis was an enthusiastic child, who had set his heart to be like his father. One day, he went to his father's workshop and while he was experimenting with sharp tools, one of the sharp ends of an awl pierced his eyes and rendered him blind. For most of us, it would be a catastrophe. However, for that toddler, the accident turned out to be a challenge for his sky-high morale and indefatigable dreams. He soon took admission in the Royal Institution for Blind Youth, Paris and continued his studies. But the problems seemed to be endless for the 10-year old as the educational system was not satisfactory. It was very difficult for him and his other bind mates to understand and read the book with the raised letters.

One day, an army chief visited their school and taught them about a 12-dot secret code used by the army personnel to transfer secret messages without hinting their foes. The idea literally shook the brain of Louis and he resulted in inventing a 6-dot Braille script. The masses were initially quite sceptical about the invention; but, soon Braille's determined efforts and ingenious work got recognition. Today, the whole world is using the Braille script to teach the blind.

Dear youngsters! If you also happen to come across challenging situations in life, then don't let them break you! Instead, let them make you someone better and bigger. From the incident of Louis Braille, we see that it's all about determination, perseverance, and optimism. Life has never been a bed of roses. True! But our ambitious and never dying spirit can convert the thorny paths and the stormy skies into a path of learning and glory.

Dear youth! ...Besides fighting for oneself, a true inspiration is set when a youth steps forward to work for others as well. Such contributions are then remembered and saluted in all times to come. 

To know about many other inspiring youngsters stories, read the complete article in March'17 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.

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