Interview with Lord Shiva | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

Interview with Lord Shiva

... On who, why, where of a spiritual Guru

He is acknowledged as one of the gods of the Hindu Trinity. He is the dweller of the mountains, Lord Kailash. He is the master of all dance forms, Nataraja. He is the perfect Yogi. Yes, all these and several more dimensions are attributed to the one and only, Lord Shiva- who perhaps leads the galaxy of deities of the celestial world. The cadre of His Supremacy is clearly evident from this very fact that He is deemed as the Supreme Brahman Himself (as stated in the Shvetashvatara Upanishad). What more? Among the gods, the "world’s tallest statue" is dedicated to none other than Lord Shiva- the Kailashnath Mahadev Statue in Nepal, 144 feet (44 m). Not just that. Among the top ten largest statues of Gods in the world, 4 out of 10 statues are of Lord Shiva!

Well, this glimpse is perfect enough to comprehend who and what power is Lord Shiva. And, today, for the 'complicated' subject that has been chosen, Guru, He can be the best one to comment perhaps. Reason being, He is the Supreme Lord Himself, which undoubtedly implies that He knows everything. And, when He is all knowing, then, He can certainly give us a clear insight on, "Who, Why, Where, etc. Of a Spiritual Guru," that too unprejudiced; absolutely fair!

Lord, thanks for sparing your precious time. I would straightaway come to the subject of today's discussion.

Lord I often think, when God, I mean you are there, why, at all, then a 'Guru' is needed? Aren't You capable of doing "everything"?

Lord Shiva:

Guruho kripaaprasaadena brahmavishnushivaadayaha

Saamarthyamabhajan sarve srishtisthityantakarmaani

Only by the grace of the Guru can the Brahma create, Vishnu protect, and Shiva dissolve this creation. Their capability owes solely to the benevolence of the Guru, without which they have no worth!

Oh! Lord, are you sure of what you said just now... I mean such a big declaration! Your words imply that a Guru is at a higher pedestal even than you? Don't mind, but from what you said just now, should I decipher that without a Guru, even Your existence is in danger? And if it's so, then, doesn't that make you insecure or jealous of a Guru?

What were the mind-boggling revelations done by Lord Shiva Himself? To know the complete enlightening conversation between Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati, read the complete article in July'19 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.


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