With an objective to reveal the sovereign secrets and the true meaning of devotion, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan under the benign grace of His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji (Founder and Head, DJJS), organized a mega event - a devotional concert on the theme: ‘Bhavanjali’ on December 17th, 2023, at Nurmahal, Punjab. The event was dedicated to the social initiative – ‘Manthan’: A Holistic Education Program of DJJS for the underprivileged.

Preacher disciple of His Holiness- Sadhvi Rupeshwari Bharti Ji and Swami Vishwanand Ji beautifully narrated the significance of spirituality in today’s times and how it is so relevant in everyone’s life. The event began with the chanting of Vedic mantras by Brahm initiated Vedpathis, which created a divine ambience filled with blissful vibes. Sadhvi Ji revealed to the present audience that Spirituality takes birth within the soul when a seeker realizes the truth. When the perfect spiritual master enters the life of disciple and bestows upon him the divine eye, makes him see God within. That seeker then meditates upon God within, and his personality fills with the virtues of bliss, love, peace, devotion, compassion, and spiritual beauty.
Swami Ji proclaimed that revered Master His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji is the perfect master of today’s times, and widely spreading the technique of ‘Divine-Knowledge’. This ‘Divine Knowledge’ is the very same technique of bestowing the divine eye to seeker, which makes him perceive God within himself. The master thus connects him to the divine saga of God within. Today, His Holiness is spreading the gems of spirituality and transforming restless and negative lives of mankind by connecting one and all with the supreme source of eternal peace. Millions of devotees have witnessed positive changes in their lives and experience divinity. Many esteemed guests marked their valuable presence in the event.

The event was a huge success as each one drenched in the divine showers of devotion, dedication, and faith at the lotus feet of Lord. Scores of devotional songs with life-changing lyrics inspired audience to embrace the divine grace of Lord by perceiving Him within and connecting with Lord in true sense.