Like every year, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS)  founded/mentored by His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji under its holistic health program ‘Aarogya’ observed the 3rd International Day of Yoga by conducting various विलक्षण योग शिविर’ – yoga camps across its nationwide network of branches. It indeed is a proud moment for Millions of devotees associated with Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan, who have been initiated into the higher limbs of Yoga by the divine grace of His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji through the Eternal Science of Self Realization- ‘Brahm Gyan’. For these regular practitioners of Dhyana, International Yoga Day serves to be a great sign of recognition for the exemplary science of Yoga which holds onto its origin deeply rooted in the ancient Hindu school of thought.

DJJS Celebrated International Yoga Day 2017 by Organizing Nationwide 'Vilakshan Yog' Camps

Under the divine guidance of His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, DJJS has regularly been organizing ‘Vilakshan Yog Shivirs’  free of cost, to create awareness and encourage the correct practice of Yoga amongst people as an indigenous manner of healthy lifestyle. Not only has the revival of the school of yoga but also the promotion of traditional knowledge of Ayurveda been one of the key motives behind these ‘Vilakshan Yog Shivirs’. These camps enumerate the significance and importance of Yogasanas, Pranayama & Dhyana in overall healing of the body, mind and attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony.

With great and incessant endeavours  of the DJJS round the year ‘Vilakshan Yog Shivirs’ have also successfully become a benchmark to create awareness and encourage the practice of Yoga in corporate houses, govt. offices, organizations, communities, societies, clubs and institutes. It includes yogic kriyas, asanas, pranayama, stretching exercises, ayurvedic tips over balanced diet and nutrition, best practices of yoga, holistic healing through meditation, role of spirituality and peace prayers.

DJJS Celebrated International Yoga Day 2017 by Organizing Nationwide 'Vilakshan Yog' Camps

A large number of enthusiastic devotees and participants from all age groups came together rejuvenating themselves with Yoga to mark their support for this day. During a two hour session at each place, the participants were taught basic Yogasana and Pranayama techniques such as Shavasana, Padmasana, Uthita padmasana, Dhanurasan, Vajrasan, Suryanamskar, Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Bhujangasana, Chakrasana, Shalabasana, Shirsasan, and Swastikasan, Bhastrika, Anuloma-Viloma, Kapalbhati, Bhramri, Sitlee, Sitkari, Ujjayi, Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Mula Bandha respectively. In between, ayurvedic tips to combat common ailments were also given which was followed by a discourse on ‘Yog & Spirituality’ and Samuhik Dhyana (group meditation) to harness spiritual potential. The session ended with Om chanting and recitation of mantras such as ‘sarve bhavantu sukhinah’ and ‘shanti path’ (peace prayer) seeking health, peace and harmony for all.

A stall of well researched medicines of SAM Ayurveda Pharmacy was also exhibited in order to provide medicines to patients at concessional price. These camps were well received and appreciated by a large number of health seekers.

DJJS is a socio-spiritual organization working globally for the establishment of universal brotherhood and peace through nine-dimensional social reforms and welfare programs, focused on issues like gender, education, community health, drug abuse eradication, environment conservation, Indian cow breed improvement and conservation, disaster management and empowerment of persons with disabilities and prisoners, along with workshops for the corporate sector and youth.

#Aarogya #InternationalDayofYoga# healthinitiativeof DJJS #योग दिवस

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