Kamdhenu Project is an initiative of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) which aims at preservation, breed improvement and creating awareness regarding use of Indian breed of cows. Apart from social and spiritual initiative, it is more of a scientific research project where many innovations are being conducted both at national and international levels. It includes adopting organic farming techniques, creates awareness to adopt innovative agricultural practices to benefit consumer as well as environment. Though started on small scale, this project has slowly turned new grounds for research and breed improvement, not only for Sansthan, but world at large. It has come a long way since then as the program has gained traction amongst scientist, agriculturist and political class. It has not only addressed professionals, researchers but also enthusiasts all over the world.
One such National Convention was held on Resource Conversation for Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security. It was 3rd convention (Agrivision 2018) held at National Agriculture Science Complex, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Pusa Campus, New Delhi on March 24, 2018. It was organized under the banner of ICAR (Indian Council of Agriculture and Research) and ABVP (All Indian Student Council). DJJS has been invited on March 25 as the main guest of honour for the event. Preacher disciples of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji (founder and head of DJJS) represented DJJS at the event. Agriculture minister of Govt. of India was also chief guest on March 24 for the same.
The program had participation from students and scientists from different states. Sansthan presented the topic of rearing of indigenous breed of cow. They also showcased how rearing of this breed of cow is beneficial to the farmers and can be the reason for their productivity enhancement. They also elucidated how organic manure can help the crop production for farmers and thereby benefit them a great deal.
Everyone appreciated the efforts of DJJS toward preserving and rearing of indigenous cows and agricultural practices.