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According to Ayurveda, toxin buildup is said to be the root cause of all diseases, so it becomes important to get rid of these toxins from our body at regular intervals in order to stay healthy. And there is nothing more sustainable than the most ancient school of medicine i.e. Ayurveda. 

Panchkarma - A Panacea to myriads of Health Issues, is what Aarogya offers at its Delhi and Punjab Centers | August 2022

As an exceptional part of Ayurveda, Panchkarma provides both detoxification and restoration of the body's internal homeostasis. These are achieved by various therapies applied for improving metabolism, shedding increased weight, opening up of blocked channels, relaxing the body, mind and reducing stress.

With the resolution of providing improved healthcare services to patients suffering from various acute and chronic health ailments, DJJS Aarogya extends its Panchkarma services to more than 49 visitors during the month of August at its Delhi and Punjab Centres 

Panchkarma - A Panacea to myriads of Health Issues, is what Aarogya offers at its Delhi and Punjab Centers | August 2022

In August 2022, these 49patients not only benefited from the services offered by the experienced doctors and therapists at the center but also gained knowledge about the ways Panchakarma treats various diseases. 

The patients were given various treatments like Steam Massage, Virechan, Shirodhara, Vaman,Greeva Vasti , Janu Vasti, Kati Vasti, Greeva Vasti, Unmad Lape and Vaman according to their ailments. Following are the services available at these centers: 


● Vamana Karma 

● Virechana Karma 

● Nasya Karma 

● Patra  Pinda Sweda (Full Body) 

● Basti (Jaanu Basti, Uro Basti, Greeva basti, Kati basti) 

● Shirodhara Kriya 

● Sarvanga Abhyanga 

● Shashtishali Potli Sweda 

● Sarvanga Tel Dhara 

● Shiro Abhyanga + Shiro Pichu 

● Akshi Tarpana 

● Sarvanga Vashpa Sweda 

● Nadi Sweda


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