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Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS), under the guidance of His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, organized seven days Shrimad Bhagwat Katha at SunPAC, 470 McCullough St. Sunnybank (The Sunnybank Performing Arts & Culture), QLD 4109, Australia from 25th-31st August 2023. This event of Spiritual saga was organized by Brisbane, Australia branch. The Katha aimed at revealing the supreme significance of “Divine Knowledge” in a human being’s life. Katha Vyas Sadhvi Vaishnavi Bharti Ji successfully deciphered the spiritual lessons rooted in the divine incidents of Lord Krishna and explicated why and how a devotee should stay connected with Lord at the soul level.

Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Gyan Yagya illuminated the need of Divine Knowledge to save humanity in Australia

The divine acts and plays of Lord Krishna from his childhood days to the days of battle at the land of Kurukshetra, is full of divine experiences and inspire each one to realize the supreme purpose of life. Sadhvi Ji confidently claimed that just like Arjuna, we all could realize the supreme and divine consciousness of Lord Krishna within our soul. She explained that eternal technique of “Divine Knowledge” which when bestowed upon by the grace of the Perfect Spiritual Master, activates the Divine eye of a disciple and then at the very same moment, disciple himself perceives God within his soul. The Katha revolved around the supreme fact that “God can be seen” so, we must realize him, and we must establish the eternal and subtle connection with Lord which is beyond time and place.

Considering today’s time when humanity seems to be almost losing its meaning from our lives, it’s even more imperative to stay connected with the very root of life, the creator of the Universe: The Supreme Almighty. Sadhvi Ji proclaimed that DJJS strives and constantly endeavours to establish World Peace. It can be possible only when each unit of the World, i.e., human being will have “Divine Knowledge” and would be able to experience ‘Self- Realization’. And finally, this would be the process of imbibing righteousness within, in true sense.

Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Gyan Yagya illuminated the need of Divine Knowledge to save humanity in Australia

Curious devotees showed keen interest to attain Divine Knowledge and shared how overwhelming the series of devotional songs were along with the thought-provoking stories which showed the path of enlightenment. Guests such as Senator Gerard Rennick MP (Senator, Member Of Parliament, Liberal Party of Australia, Queensland Government), James Martin MP (Member, Health and Environment Committee, Queensland Government), Mark Robinson MP (Minister for Multicultural Communities and International Student Attraction, Queensland Government), Cr Angela Owen (Councilor, Representing Lord Mayor, Brisbane City Council), Mr. Umesh Chandra (CEO, Convenor, Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM), Chantex Pty Ltd, Australian Indian Radio), Magistrate Veena Goverdhan (Magistrate, Magistrates Court of Queensland) etc.. and the audience felt evermore blessed being part of this holy event and presented their heartfelt gratitude towards our revered Spiritual Master and its higher supreme cause of achieving -World Peace.

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