Miser or Wiser! | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

Miser or Wiser!

Once, a person was returning from the funeral session of his affluent uncle when someone asked him, “How much did the rich man leave behind?” A pat reply came, “Everything.”

      This befits a rich, young man who never earned a single penny on his own but was the last of his granny’s aristocrat family. He lived in a magnificent bungalow studded with every luxury, and all this came to him as a legacy from his grandfather. However, he was a real miser. He tried to save his forefather’s inheritance as much as possible. Thus, in order to prevent his money from taking swift exit from his treasuries, his attempt was always to invest the minimum. He kept only two servants for the whole lot of work, whereas the actual workload demanded two more. One of the servants was supposed to take care of the plethora of household chores and the other was deputed to cook for him. But he was always skeptical about their sincerity. He had this suspicion that the cook must have stolen some utensils for his own use or might be voraciously eating the food. And, he was consciously watchful of his precious accessories handled by the other servant. As a result, he landed into a state of complete unrest. His incessant worry made him decide to sell off everything that he held for so long. He sold all his furniture and belongings, and went on to the extent of selling even the royal bungalow that he resided in. He lay off both his servants and himself moved to a secluded small town. He received a hefty amount in lieu of all the possessions he sold. But still he continued to lament that a thief might steal away the huge sum of money. So, the miser decided to bury the entire amount in the barren land nearby his house. Every day he would dig it up and relish the sight of the hefty amount stored there.

On the other hand, the two servants were quite annoyed with their master for firing them without any reason. ... Oh, they stole the entire amount and ran away. Alas! Poor Miser!...

The miser repented a lot and cried bitterly. ...

... But, is he the real miser? No, our scriptures declare someone else as a real miser. ...

Who? To know this and furthermore, read the complete article in December’15 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.

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