The rain had just stopped. The climate was still wet and cloudy. It suddenly clicked me that the drainage pipes of the terrace of my house must have got blocked due to the accumulation of dry leaves and twigs, resulting in water clogging. ...Thinking thus, I went on the terrace. Alas! My assumption was correct. There was a pool about one foot deep on the terrace. Without looking left or right, I rushed to the point of drainage crossing the river and removed the accumulated dirt from the mouth of the drainage pipe. On finding the exit, the water gushed through the pipe.
Suddenly I sighted an old woman on the adjacent terrace. ...On carefully looking, I found that with great difficulty she was trying to reach near the drain hole. …it took her about 1 1/2 minutes to take one feeble step forward.
Observing her plight I was terribly upset. I jumped over the dividing wall to reach her terrace. "Wait mother, let me clear the rubbish from the drain..." Within a matter of minutes, both the terraces were dry. However, …On conversing with her, I was given to understand that the old woman began her journey to reach the terrace 1 hours ago. ...On hearing that I was shaken from within. "Why mother, is there no one with you, your son or daughter who could have rushed to the terrace?" ...and painful notes sprung forth in all intensities.
...What has happened with the old woman! Was her pain only the reason of her old age or it was something else! To know this and furthermore, read the complete article in Mar'21 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.