Our Small Contribution= Big Help to Mother Earth | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

Our Small Contribution= Big Help to Mother Earth

How much we revere our Mother Earth, here is only a "snapshot", as the complete list is too long...
World Wildlife Day, World Sparrow Day, International Day of Forests, World Planting Day, World Wood Day, World Water Day, Greenery Day, Endangered Species Day, World Environment Day, World Ocean Day, Global Wind Day, World Animal Day, World Soil Day... and several more- all in some way or the other dedicated in the name of care and concern for the Earth. And, a comprehensive perspective of all these is represented by yet another day, titled "International Mother Earth Day", marked on 22nd April.

So many days and so many ways... still, why is the graph of deterioration in the condition of the   Earth going from bad to World? Reason being, there is an absence of the fundamental parameter of 'sensitivity' towards the torture the Earth is going through. The need is to feel the troublesome condition of the Earth and resonate with her pain. Then, even the smallest of our contributions in her care and concern will yield productive results. It is because then we will remain conscious with respect to her wellbeing everywhere and every time. Then, there will remain no need for these reminders in the form of allocated days to shake us and wake us upto do something to improve her condition. With the factor of 'sensitivity' coming alive, the behavior expected out of us will automatically become an integral part of our life. Then, whether in our house or at the workplace; whether for small things or big- we will be sincere in adopting and implementing the changes in ourselves.

Let's begin in the direction of change with a few small things, and thus contribute in the care and concern of our Mother Earth.

Unplug When Not In Use

Often, we have the Chargers etc. plugged in. However, even when the device or the appliance has been turned off or is in sleep mode, still it uses what's called 'phantom or vampire' energy. In other words, for instance, if your phone is charged, but you still keep your phone charger plugged-in, it will suck energy even though it is not being used to charge your phone. By unplugging the Chargers and switching off the computers, we can save this energy, which contributes up to 5 to 10 per cent saving in our bills. Yes, it might mean a small thing to many of us, but when done collectively and sincerely at the level of each and every individual, it is bound to bring a 'big' change.

GO FOR AN 'Earth Hour' Every Month

Every year, in the month of March, all round the globe 'Earth Hour' is observed. In this initiative, people switch off the lights, thus giving some moments of relief to the environment from multiple perspectives. Well, in addition to adopting this practice sincerely, what if it can be carried out every month! Just ponder, when multiplied by millions and billions, this attempt will lead to 'gigantic' saving in term of energy, fuel, and 'protection' of the environment from the waste thus generated.

Though not exactly an extrapolation, but, in the same vein, the concept of 'Earth Month' has been adopted by the company Aveda cosmetics. Its plant-based hair care products, perfumes, body lotions, and makeup items are made with 100 per cent wind power. Not just that! The products are shipped with minimal packaging, that too full of natural ingredients sourced from small growers across the world.

To know this and furthermore, read the complete article in the April'17 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.

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