Spiritualising Modern Science | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

Spiritualising Modern Science

Human quest for knowledge is called science. The word science is derived from the Latin root ‘scio’ which means ‘I know’. The word Veda, derived from the Sanskrit word ‘vid’ meaning ‘to know’, may be partially said to correspond in literal sense to the word science. However science is limited to the outer physical word of objects. Thus, any step forward through it cannot be human progress but only material well-being. … Swami Dayanand Saraswati, who was not only a Vedic scholar, but also an illumined soul, once said, “All scientific truths of modern age can be found in the Vedas.” Vedas, thus have a large connotation as they stand for both worldly knowledge and spiritual wisdom. 

The tragedy of modern science is that its centre of gravity is outside of man and thus it treats him as an object. It is only confined to the study of the physical and sensory levels of experience. Science today has converged into a unified knowledge of the ‘outside of nature’ which only adds to knowledge of the physical world, whereas spirituality goes beyond and studies the diverse subtle facts of the ‘inside of nature’. …

Of late, there is a growing tendency to draw parallels between modern physics and Vedantic philosophy. The striking parallelism is due to some of the conclusions that physics has arrived at. But, is it right to place modern physics on the same pedestal as that of Vedantic philosophy? ... Einstein in the later part of his life repented for many of his discoveries. …

…In the present times, scientists are not receptive to spirituality. What is that missing chord through which science would be able to comprehend the deep concepts of life, its existence and its meaning as compiled in the scriptures by our spiritual scientists?

To know this and further more, read the complete article in the March edition of English Akhand Gyan monthly magazine.

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