The Foundation Stone of CORPORATE Ethics | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

The Foundation Stone of CORPORATE Ethics

‘A’ stands for …...; ‘B’ stands for …..;  …… ‘Z’ stands for ……

For a while, switch over to your childhood days and recall how these alphabets were taught to you. Some identifying object or thing was shown, the name of which started with that alphabet. Like, A for Apple; B for Ball; C for …

But, times are changing! With time, the A B C D… i.e. the alphabet lessons are also perhaps demanding to get updated- at least for the corporate world! Nothing to be proud of because it’s not actually updation; rather, it is degradation! If you are perplexed after reading this statement for the rapidly advancing corporate world, then, just throw a glance at the following list:

  • AOL Time Warner
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb accounting scandal
  • Clear stream, qualified as “the greatest financial scandal in Luxembourg”
  • Compass Group, bribed the …
  • Deutsche Bank, spying scandal
  • HP Spying Scandal
  • Tyco International, executive theft and prison sentence

Don’t forget, this is only a sample. Just type the words “corporate scams” on a search-engine and you will find the list flooded with many names! As per a study (1982), out of the Fortune 500 companies, a staggering figure of 115 companies (23%) was found being convicted of at least one major crime or paid penalties due to some serious misbehavior. That’s the irony of the so-called ‘advanced’ corporate world!

What do you think is the underlying cause for such scandals?  Circumstances?  Situations? To be true, the reason lies nowhere outside! It’s verily the outcome of the weaknesses harbouring within man himself, which propel him to take the faulty course. In the corporate lingo, this is known as lack of business ethics! …

What makes the issue more stark is the steep rise in the adoption of such unethical means in the business world. …

What practices would prove to be beneficial in self-management, and thus adoption of ethical means? To know this and furthermore, read the complete article in March’2015 edition of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.

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