The Snoring Embarrassment | Akhand Gyan | Eternal Wisdom

The Snoring Embarrassment

Let’s first hear straight from people about their feelings and experiences on snoring-

·         “Unfortunately, my snoring is so loud that every night I have to sleep on a separate bed or on the sofa.”-Keith White, 34, from Eastbourne …

·          “It was so bad that I had to turn on the fan and the TV and close the door and I could still him through the wall. It was scary. I knew he wasn’t sleeping at night because he would snore and then he would stop for a few seconds to try to catch his breath. He would wake himself up.”- Erica Menchaca, Texus …

·         My snoring wakes me up…

Have you also been through such humiliating and embarrassing experiences? Well, statistics say-

1.       About 30% of the people…

2.       On an average, 6 out of 10 people snore.

3.       Their partner snores…

4.       The ratio of men to women is approximately 2:1, when it comes to the victims of the dreadful sleeping sounds.

5.       Approximately 5.6% children are habitual snorers.

As per Dr. Gonzalo Diaz, the medical director… “ Nobody should snore. If you snore, it’s definitely abnormal.” Why it’s not normal? Because it’s a symptom, an alarming noise to say: Be careful! You are likely to become a victim of physical, mental, and relational embarrassment!


…What can be done to avoid snoring embarrassments? …

To know this and furthermore, read the complete article in December’18 month of English Akhand Gyan Monthly Magazine.

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