To spread the spiritual pearls from the divine scripture of Lord Shiva – ‘Shiv Mahapuran’, with the profound grace and blessings of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji (Founder & Head, DJJS), Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan organized ‘Bhagwan Shiv katha’, from 24th to 30th November 2024 at Bengaluru, Karnataka. During the seven-day eternal saga, the Katha orator Dr. Sarveshwar Ji, ecstatically elucidated the divine science behind Lord Shiva’s philosophy to the mammoth gathering of devotees. The soulful music rendered by the disciple musicians mesmerized and inspired the audience.

Dr. Sarveshwar Ji proclaimed that Lord Shiva personifies the all-pervading cosmic energy of the universe. Tolearn the real art of living, we should bring the philosophy of Lord Shiva into our lives. The fundamental Sutra that Lord Shiva teaches us is to destroy our ego and rise above ignorance.
He blissfully advocated that as per all our Hindu Scriptures and holy books, Lord Shiva has been termed the ‘Perfect Master.’ Every sacred icon of the Lord Shiva teaches us the divine way of fulfilling our life. One of the symbols of Lord Shiva, the Shivalinga, represents the formless God principle (Shiva). The third eye in vertical form on the forehead of Lord Shiva is a mystical symbol and represents a spiritual awakening, intuition, and wisdom. The awakening of the third eye by the perfect master of the time provides perception beyond ordinary sight. This awakening of the third eye and attainment of Divine knowledge reveals the essence of divine wisdom leading to superior consciousness.

Katha Orator concluded that Brahm Gyan (Divine Knowledge) can burn sins and vices and bestow eternal bliss and everlasting peace on those who meditate on the actual name of the Lord that can’t be spoken or recited. Lord Shiva in a deep meditative pose indicates that the actual name of the lord is reverberating within us incessantly. The only need is to become aware of it, which is feasible only in the company of a perfect masterDivya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji is essaying a similar role in contemporary times. Based on deep meditation attained through Brahm Gyan, one can gain consciousness that transcends beyond the external senses.This meditation leads to inner realms and the state of enlightenment.
The spiritual aspirants attending the event were moved by the insightful discourses, and devotional music, and felt ecstatic with a renewed spiritual zeal to embark on the path of self-realization as a mode of true worship of Lord Shiva.