It is said in our scriptures that whatever is in the outside world is also present in inside world. The whole of universe can be perceived within. Lord Shiva has a third eye on his forehead which is half closed. This image of Lord Shiva is symbolic of the fact that every human being has this third eye which opens internally. The need of the hour is grace of a spiritual master since only a perfect master has the power to open this third eye. Once this third eye opens, an individual experiences a divine light within oneself. To make the masses aware of this fact and many more nuances of Lord Shiva, a six days Shiv Katha program was organized from 21st to 26th Nov 2017 by Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) at Jalalabad, Punjab. The program was organized by Fazilka Branch of DJJS by the grace of His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji (Head and Convener of DJJS). Sadhvi Jayanti Bharti Ji, preacher disciple of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji was the main speaker at the event.

Shiv Katha - a Spiritual Saga of Journey from Death to Immortality in Jalalabad, Punjab

Shiv Katha is the saga of Lord Shiva who did not hesitate to drink an ocean full of poison in order to bestow the common folks with life. The day when Lord Shiva is worshipped i.e. ‘Maha Shivratri’ is said to be the darkest night of the year. Lord Shiva is treated with highest respect among all deities and the one who transforms this darkness to light. He is also regarded as destroyer of all vices. With the technique of divine knowledge (Brahm Gyan), once the third eye opens, a disciple realizes the purpose of life and progresses in the path of meditation. It is explained in our scriptures that the energy generated by meditation has the strength to destroy all the negativities and vices in an individual. It also nullifies the effect of bad deeds of past. In the process of meditation, one disciplines the self to live in present and hence move ahead without the burden of past or anxiety of the future.

Sadhvi Ji eloquently explained that in the current time, Sadguru Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, has the power to impart Brahm Gyan or divine knowledge to anyone who seeks knowledge. With the regular practice of Brahm Gyan, one slowly eliminates the negativities in one’s life. Even individuals with criminal back grounds have realized the importance of service to mankind because of the inner transformation which they have attained with the help of Brahm Gyan. DJJS in its various social initiatives works towards the welfare of common people. One of the ongoing projects ‘Antardrishti’ is one such program where in visually impaired individuals are also imparted with Brahm Gyan. This process enables them to perceive objects in their inner realm and enjoy the divine beauty of the universe. There are many other projects, namely Manthan- a holistic education program for under privileged children, Santulan- a program to propagate gender equality. Sadhvi Ji said that with the help of Brahm Gyan, all issues in the society can be eliminated from its roots.

Shiv Katha - a Spiritual Saga of Journey from Death to Immortality in Jalalabad, Punjab

The audience was truly enthralled all these days and was feeling indebted towards DJJS to make them aware of the real Shiva within.

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