Man, know thyself! Because knowing others is wisdom and knowing yourself is enlightenment! All the authentic scriptures and holy beings voiced in unison that GOD is the trans-sensuous Divine Light. Blazing lamps in temples, flaming candles, Holy Grail in churches, earthen lamps in Gurudwaras, and radiant white halo at the backdrop of holy beings – all these indicate that the Divinity in its elemental form is Divine Light. Though omnipresent, but God, in all his glory is residing inside man.
“One need not scale the heights of the heavens nor travel along the highways of the world to find the Ahura Mazda. With the purity of the mind and holiness of the heart, one can find Him in one’s own heart.” – Zoroastrian
In order to spread the supreme spiritual message of God and letting people know about the real way to meet Him, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) - a non- profit, non- government and a leading spiritual organization, head and founded by His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, organized a seven days program of Shri Ram Katha Gyan Yagya, at Shri Durga Temple, Neale Road, Rockbank, 3335, Melbourne, Australia. The programme was organized from 10th April to 15th April, 2016.
The program extended warm welcome to all the guests, preachers, volunteers and audience. It commenced with holy prayer at the lotus feet of Lord Ram. Vedic chanting helped in purifying the environment which acted as the perfect platform for them to imbibe the thoughts. Series of devotional bhajans aligned with melodious rhythm just engrossed the audience in their divinity and helped in turning the ambience into a way more spiritual, calm and peaceful.
When a man finds no peace within himself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere since it can be found only within. The Vedic philosophy entitles this inner abode of God as- ‘Hridya Guha’- This human body is the majestic castle of Brahma- the Lord Himself. At the crown of it is the microscopic space. Here lies the Sahasrara Chakra- the thousand petal lotus where Brahman- the Divine rests with His sovereign truth and beauty in totality. This is what beautifully described by Katha Vyas- Sadhvi Shreya Bharti Ji, disciple of Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji. She even told that Indian spiritual history worships Lord Ram for his perfect stability of the mind who took right decision at a right time. In terms of right actions and right words, Lord Rama is the pioneer. A man can follow HIM only after being bestowed with Divine Knowledge since that sort of mental stability and balance can be achieved only then.
Hence, to be truly spiritual, take help of scriptures, contemplate on their writings, which declare that the true Guru shows the Divine Light of God within at the time of initiation. Thereafter, do the requisite searches, seek initiation, and surrender unto him. That is the ONLY purpose of human life and then only life would be worth living.
Honourable Mr Telmo Languillier was very thankful to the Ram Katha team for accepting the invitation for visiting Parliament and did official warm welcome in the House of Commons and House of Lords before the actual Parliament session begun. The entire members of Parliament from Victoria did welcome the Team. The Tour to Parliament and lunch was being organised by the Parliament Speaker Mr Telmo Languillier.