This incident dates back to around 16th and 17th century. There was a king named Kumaradeva, who hai…
Witty Dispositions
Generally, a person is considered to be a loser if he happens to lose his job, well- thought motive in life, targets, etc. However, from the humanistic angle, a person is said to be a loser if he loses his attributes of liveliness, positivity, opti...
Ayurveda is an unmatched encyclopedia of health that has been provided to us by the great rishis of …
The digital world has offered us many exciting apps and gadgets. But, unfortunately, it has also del…
Now, read out the following sentences, which are actually the headlines of the newspapers across the…
Chalam (Gudipati Venkata Chalam) was a well-known Telugu author and philosopher, and also a disciple…
Do you know sun rises nearly two minutes before it actually rises and sets two minutes late before i…
The procedure, quality and results of meditation are deeply linked to our breathing. There are essen…
In office, in social- circle, while commuting, while doing anything that involves direct or indirect…
We no longer eat food only to nourish the body with the required nutrients. It’s relished by t…